- Rack'n'Ruin
"Rack'n'Ruin" is the name of a fictional character in the universe.
Transformers: Generation 1
Transformers character
name =Rack'n'Ruin
caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =The Wreckers
function =Hand-to-Hand Combat Specialists
partner =
motto ="Two heads are better than one."
alternatemodes =None "(formerly Cybertronian jets)"
series =
voiceby =Marvel Comics
Rack'n'Ruin were members of the Autobot sub-faction known as the Wreckers. They had the distinctive feature of being the only
Siamese twins on Cybertron. Rack'n'Ruin used to be normal individual Autobot soldiers who could transform into Cybertronian jets. However injuries required Autobot medics to fuse the two robots together to keep both alive. They are unable to transform, however they have interchangeable hand weapons they can use in combat. Rack'n'Ruin were not included in any other fiction, not even Dreamwave and IDW's reboot of Generation 1.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.