

name = "Platylobium"

image_width = 220 px
image_caption = "Platylobium"Watercolour (1803-1808?) by John Lewin
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
subfamilia = Faboideae
tribus = Bossiaeeae
genus = "Platylobium"
genus_authority = Sm.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Platylobium" is a genus of shrubs in the Fabaceae family. Native to south eastern Australia, they occur in a range of habitats of the coastal regions. The genus was first described by James Edward Smith, [ in Linn. Trans. Vol. II. 350. ] and is closely allied to another genera within the bossiaeeae grouping, "Bossiaea".

The plants within this and other genera of the bossiaeeae tribe are well known. They often have a common name that alludes to the oblongate pod described in the binary name - such as 'flat pea' - or by its exhibition of a yellow, orange and pinky–red fluorescence - 'eggs and bacon' peas. Papery dark brown scales support the banner of the pea's flower, this completes the semblance to a cooked breakfast. These flowers are displayed on rambling branches, sometimes as a short shrub, often extending prostrate. They range inland in coastal regions Southern and Eastern Australia, including Tasmania.

Platylobium is found to have a distinct wing on the pod, this distinguishes the genus from that of "Bossiaea". Examination of the ovate leaves, distinction in the brown papery parts near the bract and diversion in the form of various parts will allow identification of the two species described below.

List of species

This is a list of published "Platylobium" species. They are placed within the taxonomic sub division of Bossiaeeae.

*"Platylobium alternifolium" F.Muell.
* "Platylobium formosum" Sm.
* "Platylobium obtusangulum" Hook.
*"Platylobium triangulare" R.Br.


*cite web | url = | title = Platylobium | accessdate = 2007-07-29 | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = 2001 | format = | work = Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet | publisher = State Herbarium of South Australia | pages = | language = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote =

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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