Tokiharu Abe

Tokiharu Abe

Tokiharu Abe (born April 3, 1911 in Tokyo, died August 9, 1996 in Tokyo) was a Japanese ichthyologist. He worked for the University Museum of the University of Tokyo. Abe became notable for his taxonomic studies on the pufferfish (Tetraodontidae, Teleostei) from East Asia, in particalur the genus Takifugu which he first described in 1949. He described further species like "Sagamichthys abei", "Centroscyllium kamoharai", and "Fugu obscurus". Species like "Tetraodon abei" and "Chaunax abei" were named in his honour. Abe was an honorary foreign member of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.

In 1996 he died from a cerebral hemorrhage in a hospital in Tokyo.

Publications (selected)

*Abe, T., 1950. New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese waters. I.Liparis franzi, new name. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 1: 135139.
*Abe, T., 1952. Taxonomic studies of the puffers (Tetraodontidae, Teleostei) from Japan and adjacent regionsVII. Concluding remarks, with the introduction of two new genera,Fugu andBoesemanichthys. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 2: 3544, 9397, 117127.
*Abe, T., 1953. New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese waters. II. Records of rare fishes of the families Diretmidae, Luvaridae and Tetragonuridae, with an appendix (description of a new species,Tetragonurus pacificus, from off the Solomon Islands). Japan. J. Ichthyol., 3: 3947.
*Abe, T., 1955. On a new pacific flying-fish,Prognichthys sealei, retaining five unbranched fin-rays above in the pectoral throughout life. Rec. Oceanogr. Works Japan, 2: 185192.
*Abe, T., 1957a. Notes on fishes taken from the stomach of whales taken in the Antarctic. I.Xenocyttus nemotoi, a new genus and new species of zeomorph fish of the subfamily Oreosomatinae Goode and Bean, 1895. Sci. Rep. Whales Res. Inst. (Tokyo), (12): 225233.
*Abe, T. 1957b. Illustrated descriptions of one thousand useful fishes, II, Morikita Shuppan, Tokyo. (In Japanese.)
*Abe, T., 1959. New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese waters. VII. Description of a new species ofBeryx, Japan. J. Ichthyol., 7: 157163.
*Abe, T. 1960. Description of a new species of lutjanid fish of the genusParacaesio from Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 8: 5662.
*Abe, T., 19611962. Notes on some fishes of the subfamily Braminae, with the introduction of a new genusPseudotaractes. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 8: 9299, 101114.
*Abe, T. 1966. Description of a new squaloid shark,Centroscyllium kamoharai, from Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 13: 190198.
*Abe, T. and W. N. Eschmeyer. 1972. A new species of the scorpionfish genusHelicolenus from the North Pacific Ocean. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th Ser., 39: 4753.
*Abe, T. and Y. Haneda. 1972. Description of two new species of the ponyfish genusLeiognathus from Indonesia. Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City Mus. (Nat. Hist.), (19): 16.
*Abe, T. and Y. Haneda. 1973. Description of a new fish of the genusPhotoblepharon (family Anomalopidae) from the Red Sea. Bull. Sea Fish. Res. Stn, Haifa, 60: 5762.
*Abe, T. and H. Hotta. 1963. Description of a new deep-sea fish of the genusRondeletia from Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 10: 4348.
*Abe, T., S. Kojima, and T. Kosakai. 1963. Description of a new nomeid fish from Japan. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 11: 3135.
*Abe, T., R. Marumo and K. Kawaguchi. 1965a. Description of a new cetomimid fish from Suruga Bay. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 12: 5763.
*Abe, T., R. Muramo and K. Kawaguchi. 1965b. Description of a new alepocephalid fish from Suruga Bay. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 13: 6772.
*Abe, T., M. Miki and M. Asai. 1977. Description of a new garden eel from Japan. UO, (28): 18.


*Ryoichi Arai: "Memories of Dr. Tokiharu Abe (19111996)" in: "Ichthyological Research" Volume 44, Number 1 / February 1997. Springer Japan

External links

* [ Fishbase entry]

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