Plate-billed Mountain-toucan
- Plate-billed Mountain-toucan
name = Plate-billed Mountain-toucan

status = NT | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Piciformes
familia = Ramphastidae
genus = "Andigena"
species = "A. laminirostris"
binomial = "Andigena laminirostris"
binomial_authority = Gould, 1851
synonyms =
The Plate-billed Mountain-toucan ("Andigena laminirostris") is a species of bird in the Ramphastidae family.It is found in Colombia and Ecuador.Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montanes.It is threatened by habitat loss.
* BirdLife International 2004. [ Andigena laminirostris] . [ 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 27 July 2007.
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