Bernardo Strozzi

Bernardo Strozzi

Bernardo Strozzi (c. 1581 – August 2, 1644) was a prominent and prolific Italian Baroque painter born and active mainly in Genoa, and also active in Venice.


Strozzi was born in Genoa. He was probably not related to the other Strozzi family.

In 1598, at the age of 17, he joined a Capuchin monastery, a reform branch of the Franciscan order. When his father died c1608, he left the order to care for his mother, earning their living with his paintings, which were often influenced by Franciscan teachings, for example his "Adoration of the Shepherds" (c. 1615) [ [ "Adoration of Shepherds"] at the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore] . In 1625, he was charged with illegally practicing as a painter. When his mother died c1630, Bernardo was pressured in court by the Capuchin's to re-enter the order. He was briefly imprisoned in Genoa [cite journal|first=Stephane|last=Loire|title=Bernardo Strozzi|year=1995|journal=Burlington Magazine|pages= pp.477479] , and upon release fled to Venice to avoid confinement in a monastery in 1631. He became nicknamed all his life as "il prete Genovese" (the Genoa priest).Early paintings, such as "The Ecstasy of St Francis" [ [ "Ecstasy of St Francis"] at Philbrook Museum"] show the dark emotionalism of Caravaggio. But by the second decade of the 17th century, while working in Venice, Strozzi had synthesized a personal style which fused painterly influences of the North (including Rubens and Veronese) with a monumental realistic starkness. For example, in the painting "The Incredulity of Thomas", the background is muted, yet Jesus' face, haloed and his outline, misty, in a style atypical of Caravaggio [ [ "Incredulity of Saint Thomas"] at Compton Verney Museum] . Never as dark as the "Caravaggisti", Venice infused his painting with a gentler edge, a style more acceptable to the local patronage, and one derived from his precursors in Venice, Jan Lys (died 1629) and Domenico Fetti (died 1626), who had also fused the influence of Caravaggio into Venetian art. Examples of this style can be found in his "Parable of the Wedding Guests" (1630) [ [ "Parable of the Wedding Guests"] at the National Gallery, Australia] ,"Christ giving keys of Heaven to Saint Peter" (1630), [ [ "Christ giving Keys of Heaven"] at University Wisconsin Gallery] , "Saint Lawrence distributing Alms" at San Nicolò da Tolentino [ [ "St Lawrence distributing Alms"] ] and a "Personification of Fame" (1635-6) [ [ "Personification of Fame"] at National Gallery, London] . He was also likely influenced by Velazquez (who visited Genoa in 1629-30).

After a commission to paint Claudio Monteverdi his fame grew, and his portrait paintings included many of the leading Venetians. His pupils and painter strongly influenced by him included Giovanni Andrea de Ferrari (1598-1669), Giovanni Bernardo Carbone, Valerio Castello and, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione.

Partial anthology

*Note: unfortunately, the painting of the "Viola Player" is not highly representative of Strozzi's mature style.
*Artcyclopedia []
*Scholar's resource [,GGLR:2006-39,GGLR:en%26sa%3DN]



*Gavazza, E. et al., eds.,"Bernardo Strozzi, Genova 1581/82-Venezia 1644" (exhibition catalogue, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa), Milan, 1995
*Spicer, J., ed., "Bernardo Strozzi: Master Painter of the Italian Baroque" (exhibition catalogue, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore), Baltimore 1995
*Pallucchini, A., "La pittura veneziana del Seicento", Milan 1993
*Krawietz, C., "Bernardo Strozzi," in "The Dictionary of Art" (ed. by Jan Shoaf Turner), London, 1996
*Hansen, M.S. and J.Spicer, eds., "Masterpieces of Italian Painting, The Walters Art Museum", London 2005, no. 43
* [ WGA entry]
*cite book | first= Rudolf|last= Wittkower| year=1993| title= Pelican History of Art, Art and Architecture Italy, 1600-1750| chapter= 14 | editor= | others=1980 | pages= p 351-2 | publisher= Penguin Books Ltd| id= | url= | authorlink=

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