Pilar Rahola

Pilar Rahola

Pilar Rahola (Barcelona, October 21 1958) is a Spanish Catalan journalist writer and former politician and MP.

She comes from a republican and anti-fascist family and several relatives of hers are politicians: Pere Rahola, minister in Marina de la República; Frederic Rahola, first "Síndic de Greuges" (lawer of people) in the Generalitat de Catalunya; etc. She is married and has three children, two of them are adoptive children, one from Barcelona and the other one from Siberia. [ [http://www.pilarrahola.com/ Biografía] 17-04-2007.]

Rahola is doctor in Spanish and Catalan Philology in Universitat de Barcelona. She has published several books in Spanish and Catalan and she is a columnist in "La Vanguardia", in Spain; La Nación in Argentina; and Diario de América in the United States. She also works usually in television and has taken part in several lectures in universities.

From 1987 to 1990, she was director of the Catalan publishing house "Pòrtic", and as a journalist, she was in various relevant events : Eritrean-Ethiopian War, Balkan Wars, Gulf War, the fall of Berlin Wall, etc.

As a politician, she was the only member of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in Spanish Congress of Deputies in 5th and 6th Spanish legislatures, and vice-major of Barcelona. She also participated in several committees of investigation, specially those related to political corruption like comisión Roldán. [ [http://www.pilarrahola.com/ Biografía] 17-04-2007.]

In 1996, she left Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya to join Àngel Colom and Joan Laporta in a new political group "Partit per la Independència", but after their fiasco, she decided to concentrate in journalism and writing.


*Aquell estiu color de vent - Editorial Pòrtic 1983. ISBN 84-73062-08-6
*Color de verano - Editorial Pòrtic 1983. ISBN 84-73062-08-6
*Aperitiu nocturn - Editorial Pòrtic 1985. ISBN 84-73062-60-4
*La qüestió catalana - Editorial Columna 1993. ISBN 84-78095-15-2
*Mujer liberada, hombre cabreado - Editorial Planeta 2000 ISBN 84-08034-99-5
*Dona alliberada, home emprenyat - Editorial Planeta 2000 ISBN 84-08034-77-4
*Carta a mi hijo adoptado - Editorial Planeta 2001 ISBN 84-08038-86-9
*L'adopció un acte d'amor - Editorial Columna 2001 ISBN 84-83007-60-6
*Carta ao meu filho adoptado - Editorial Ambar 2003 ISBN 97-24306-54-2
*Historia de Ada - Editorial RandomHouse Mondadori 2002 ISBN 84-97590-26-6
*3x1: El món actual a través de 3 generacions - Editoral Plaza & James 2003 ISBN 84-01386-26-8
*Catalunya, any zero - Editorial Ara llibres 2004 ISBN 84-96201-16-3
*A favor de Israel -Editorial Certeza (2005) ISBN 84-96219-20-8


*"Doctor honoris causa" in Universidad de Artes y Ciencias de la Comunicación de Santiago de Chile, 2004, for her fight in favour of human rights
*Premio Javer Olam (2004), given by Jewish Chilean Community for her fight against anti-Semitism.
*Cicla Price (2005), given for her fight against anti-Semitism.
*Honour Member of University of Tel Aviv, 2006.
*Golden Menora Price 2006, with Simone Veil, given by French B´nai Brith
*Scopus Price 2007, the best price given by Hebrean University of Jerusalem.
*APEI Price for yours articles, given by "Asociación Profesional Española de Informadores de Prensa, Radio y Televisión".
*Honnour guest in the AIPAC´s Polycy Conference, 2008.


External links

* [http://www.pilarrahola.com Página personal de Pilar Rahola]
* [http://www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/Diputados/BusqForm?_piref73_1333155_73_1333154_1333154.next_page=/wc/fichaDiputado?idDiputado=136&idLegislatura=6 Ficha de Pilar Rahola en el Congreso de los Diputados]
* [http://www.diariodeamerica.com/front_notas_list.php?id_autor=13 Ficha de autor de Pilar Rahola en Diario de América]
* [http://noti.hebreos.net/enlinea/2006/08/21/1029/ Recopilación de presentaciones en los medios argentinos. ]

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