- Shigurui
is a
manga series written and illustrated by Takayuki Yamaguchi, based on the first chapter of the novel "Suruga-jou Gozen Jiai" byNorio Nanjo .An animated television adaptation aired on
WOWOW July 19 ,2007 toOctober 12 2007 . The series was directed byHirotsugu Hamazaki and produced by Madhouse Studios.Plot
The story begins in 1629 Japan, during
Tokugawa Tadanaga 's rule. Thedaimyo staged a tournament where the participants fought with traditional weapons rather than "bokken " ("wooden sword"). The story revolves around the first match between the one-armed swordsman Fujiki Gennosuke and the blind samurai Irako Seigen and deals with the circumstances that led the two to participate in Tokugawa's tournament.External links
* [http://funimation.com/shigurui/ Funimation's "Shigurui" anime] (U.S. anime licensee)
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