Al Weisel

Al Weisel

Al Weisel (born 19701971) is a freelance writer living in New York City. [cite news |title=G.O.P. Ends Calls Linking Some Clinton Donors to Terrorism |url= |work=The New York Times |date=2000-10-30 |accessdate=2008-04-22 ] He has written for various publications such as "Rolling Stone", [cite news |title=Natalie Merchant Steps Back From Rock's Cutting Edge |url= |work=The New York Times |date=1995-07-23 |accessdate=2008-04-22 ] "The Washington Post", "New York Newsday" and "Us" magazine.cite news |title=Rebel Reflections |url= |work=FilmStew |date=2005-10-05 |accessdate=2008-04-22 ] In October 2005 "Live Fast, Die Young: The Wild Ride of Making Rebel Without a Cause" (ISBN 0743296184), a book co-authored with Larry Frascella, was published, [cite news |title='Live Fast, Die Young,' by Lawrence Frascella and Al Weisel |url= |work=The New York Times |date=2006-01-08 |accessdate=2008-04-22 ] which explores the making of the film "Rebel Without a Cause" and in particular the relationships between director Nicholas Ray and leading actors James Dean [cite news |title=New and noteworthy paperbacks |url= |work=The Roanoke Times |date=2008-04-22 |accessdate=2008-04-22 ] and Natalie Wood.


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* [ Live Fast, Die Young]

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