List of Black Jack chapters

List of Black Jack chapters

The following is a list of chapters for the Japanese manga Black Jack. It was created by Osamu Tezuka and published in Weekly Shonen Champion from November 19, 1973 to October 14, 1983.cite web|url=|title=Back Jack Subtitle List|publisher=TezukaOsamu@World|accessdate=2008-08-18]

Some of the manga chapters were published in English by Viz Media in their manga anthology magazine, Manga Vizion, and then later released as two graphic novels.cite web|url=| Black Jack Vol.1: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18] cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 2: Two-Fisted Surgeon: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18] Vertical, Inc. has aquired the license and will release the Black Jack episodes in the order that Tezuka indicated for the hardcover Akita "Deluxe Edition".cite web|url=|title= Vertical - Black Jack|publisher=Vertical|accessdate=2008-08-18] The order is listed below.


Volume list

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 1
OriginalRelDate = April 5, 1987cite web|url=|title=Back Edition Black Jack List|publisher=TezukaOsamu@World|accessdate=2008-08-18]
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09969-1
LicensedRelDate = September 23, 2008cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 1: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-934287-27-9
ChapterList =
* 001. nihongo|Is There a Doctor?|医者はどこだ!|Isha wa dokoda!
* 167. nihongo|The First Storm of Spring|春一番|Haru ichiban
* 012. nihongo|Teratoid Cystoma|畸形嚢腫|Kikei nōshu
* 052. nihongo|The Face Sore|人面瘡|Jinmensō
* 029. nihongo|Sometimes Like Pearls|ときには真珠のように|Toki niwa shinju no yōni
* 050. nihongo|Confluence|めぐり会い|Meguri Ai
* 086. nihongo|The Painting is Dead!|絵が死んでいる!|E ga shin de iru!
* 185. nihongo|Star, Magnitude Six|六等星|Roku tōhoshi
* 057. nihongo|Black Queen|ブラック・クイーン|Burakku kwiin
* ---. nihongo|U-18 Knew|U-18は知っていた|U-18 wa shitteita
* 054. nihongo|The Legs of an Ant|アリの足|Ari no ashi
* 049. nihongo|Two Loves|二つの愛|Futatsu no ai
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 2
OriginalRelDate = May 25, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09970-7
LicensedRelDate = November 18, 2008cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 2: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-934287-28-6
ChapterList =
* 061. nihongo|The Needle||Hari
* 089. nihongo|Grandma|おばあちゃん|Obā chan
* 090. nihongo|The Ballad of the Killer Whale|シャチの詩|Shachi no Shi
* 168. nihongo|Three Men, Three Minds|三者三様|Sansha sanyō
* 078. nihongo|In the Underground Shelter|地下壕にて|Chika ni de
* 015. nihongo|The Heroine of the Tunnel|ダーティ・ジャック|Dāti Jakku
* 099. nihongo|Where are You, My Friend?|友よいずこ|Tomo yoi zu ko?
* 023. nihongo|Kidnap|誘拐|Yūkai
* 239. nihongo|Assembly Line Care|流れ作業|Nagare sagyō
* 201. nihongo|Black Jack Saves his Savior|助け合い|Tasukeai
* 055. nihongo|Stradivarius|ストラディバリウス|Sutoradibariusu
* 116. nihongo|Hassle Pinoko|ハッスルピノコ|Hassuru pinoko
* 091. nihongo|Hospital Jacking|病院ジャック|Byoin Jakku
* 126. nihongo|The Blind Doctor of Acupuncture|座頭医師|Zatō ishi
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 3
OriginalRelDate = July 15, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09971-4
LicensedRelDate = January 6, 2009cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 3: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-934287-41-5
ChapterList =
* 164. nihongo|The Disowned Son|勘当息子|Kando Musuko
* 051. nihongo|Shrinking Bodies!!|ちぢむ!!|Chijimu!!
* 123. nihongo|Dingo|ディンゴ|Dingo
* 124. nihongo|It's Your Mistake!|きみのミスだ!|Kimi no misu da!
* 155. nihongo|The Robin and the Boy|コマドリと少年|Komadori to shōnen
* 143. nihongo|Child from the Sky|空からきた子ども|Sora kara kita kodomo
* 157. nihongo|Black Jack is Hospitalized|B・J入院す| BJ nyūin su
* 212. nihongo|The Case of a Woman|ある女の場合|Aru onna no basho
* 056. nihongo|Black Mirror Image|ふたりの黒い医者|Futari no kuroi isha
* 132. nihongo|The Medical Interns|研修医たち|Kenkyū i tachi
* 193. nihongo|Reminiscences of an Old Woman|ある老婆の思い出|Aru rouba no omoide
* 013. nihongo|Pinoko Loves You|ピノコ愛してる|Pinoko aishiteru
* 127. nihongo|Devotion to Medicine|執念|Shūnen
* 102. nihongo|Strange Relationship|奇妙な関係|Kimyō na kankei
* 042. nihongo|Infant's Ballad|赤ちゃんのバラード|Aka chan no barādo
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 4
OriginalRelDate = August 15, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09972-1
LicensedRelDate = March 3, 2009cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 4: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-934287-43-9
ChapterList =
* 232. nihongo|Class Reunion|虚像|Kyozō
* 120. nihongo|The Girl Announcer|悲鳴|Himei
* 197. nihongo|Outlaw in a Ghost Town|ゴーストタウンの流れ者|Gōsuto taun no nagare mono
* 080. nihongo|Pinoko's Love Story|ピノコ・ラブストーリー|Pinoko rabu sutōrī
* 083. nihongo|Rats in a Sewer|地下水道|Chi gesuidō
* 205. nihongo|Love Call from the Sea|海は恋のかおり|Umi wa koi no kaori
* 218. nihongo|Light Fingers|山手線の哲|Yamatesen no satoshi
* 188. nihongo|Title|肩書き|Katagaki
* 148. nihongo|Lost Money|落としもの|Otoshi mono
* 040. nihongo|A Father's Gift|焼け焦げた人形|Yakekoge ta ningyō
* 110. nihongo|Gentle Giant|デカの心臓|Deka no shinzō
* 069. nihongo|Poison Capsule|ガス|Gasu
* 053. nihongo|Fame|はるかなる国から|Haruka naru kuni kara
* 024. nihongo|Shoplifting Dog|万引犬|Manbi inu
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 5
OriginalRelDate = October 5, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09973-8
LicensedRelDate = May 5, 2009cite web|url=| Black Jack, Volume 5: Books: Osamu Tezuka||accessdate=2008-08-18]
LicensedISBN = 978-1-934287-55-2
ChapterList =
* 151. nihongo|Hospital|ホスピタル|Hosupitaru
* 074. nihongo|Abacus Without Arms|なんという舌|Nan doiu shita
* 223. nihongo|Mother Love|もらい水|Moraimizu
* 236. nihongo|A Lie Lived|されどいつわりの日々|Saredo itsuwari no hibi
* 199. nihongo|The Last Train|終電車|Shudensha
* 079. nihongo|The Killing Doctor|弁があった!|Ben ga atta!
* 141. nihongo|Death of Hyojisai|湯治場の二人|Dōjiba no futari
* 222. nihongo|Pinoko's Mystery|ピノコ・ミステリー|Pinoko misutarī
* 227. nihongo|Carved seal|刻印|Kokuin
* 146. nihongo|Water Almost Transparent|限りなく透明に近い水|Kagiru naku dōmei ni chikai mizu::tankōbon: nihongo|99.9% Water|99.9%の水|99.9% no mizu
* 170. nihongo|Black Jack Helps a Doctor|助っ人|Suketto
* 100. nihongo|Mountain Doctor|古和医院|Kowa iin
* 063. nihongo|Wolf Girl|オオカミ少女|Ookami shōjo
* 006. nihongo|Tale of a Snowy Night|雪の夜ばなし|Yuki no yoru banashi
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 6
OriginalRelDate = November 15, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09974-5
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 179. nihongo|Surgical Knife|メス|Mesu::tankōbon: nihongo|Woman Doctor Falls in Love with Black Jack|土砂降り|Doshaburi
* 180. nihongo|Woman Doctor Falls in Love with Black Jack|土砂降り|Doshaburi
* 070. nihongo|The Body Turns to Stone|からだが石に...|Kara daga ishi ni...
* 125. nihongo|The Old Man and the Tree|老人と木|Rōjin to ki
* 018. nihongo|Dead Twice|二度死んだ少年|Nido shinda shōnen
* 033. nihongo|The Pug-Nosed Patient|獅子面病|Shishi tsura yamai
* 094. nihongo|Swindler Apprentice|サギ師志願|Sagishi shigan
* 240. nihongo|Short Finger Syndrome|短指症|Mijika yubi shō
* 066. nihongo|Amidst Fire and Ashes|火と灰の中|Hi to aku no naka
* 088. nihongo|Revenge|報復|Hōfuku
* 137. nihongo|Vibrations|振動|Shindō
* 011. nihongo|Nadare the Deer|ナダレ|Nadare
* 032. nihongo|Trapped in an Elevator|閉ざされた三人|Tozasa re ta sannin
* 230. nihongo|Sacrifice|身代わり|Migawari
* 046. nihongo|Incarnate of Death|死に神の化身|Shinigami no keshin::tankōbon: nihongo|Terror Germ|恐怖菌|Kyōfu kin
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 7
OriginalRelDate = December 30, 1987
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09975-2
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 214. nihongo|Birds to the Rescue|鳥たちと野郎ども|
* 017. nihongo|The Gray Mansion|灰色の館|
* 062. nihongo|The Cat and Shozo|ネコと庄造と|
* 067. nihongo|Beryl|緑柱石|::tankōbon: nihongo|Two Pinokos|ふたりのピノコ|
* 115. nihongo|Dud Bomb|不発弾|
* 183. nihongo|Brotherly Love|おとうと|
* 161. nihongo|Blood Connection|上と下|
* 136. nihongo|The Milk Monkey|戦場が原のゴリベエ|
* 221. nihongo|Tenacious Black Jack|黒潮号メモ|
* 160. nihongo|Black and White|白い正義|
* 190. nihongo|Home to the Hills|一ぴきだけの丘|
* 121. nihongo|Cloudy, Later Fair|曇りのち晴れ|
* 119. nihongo|Hurricane|ハリケーン|
* 111. nihongo|Race Against Time|タイムアウト|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 8
OriginalRelDate = February 20, 1988
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09976-9
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 035. nihongo|Mad Dog|なにかが山を...|
* 020. nihongo|Paroxysm|発作|
* 043. nihongo|Misdiagnosis|誤診|
* 072. nihongo|The Man with a Tattoo|イレズミの男|
* 092. nihongo|A Baby in A Shell|奇胎|
* 096. nihongo|On the Way|道すがら|
* 118. nihongo|Jealousy|白い目|
* 129. nihongo|A Killer Visits|殺しがやってくる|
* 234. nihongo|Accident|再会|
* 177. nihongo|One Hour before Death|死への一時間|
* 181. nihongo|Phantom Killer|通り魔|
* 104. nihongo|Pinoko Goes West|ピノコ西へ行く|
* 200. nihongo|The Changeling|すりかえ|
* 207. nihongo|Death of an Author|しめくくり|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 9
OriginalRelDate = April 25, 1988
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09977-6
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 034. nihongo|Teacher and Pupil|ある教師と生徒|Aru kyoshi to seito
* 030. nihongo|Pinoko is Still Alive|ピノコ生きてる|
* 044. nihongo|Eyewitness|目撃者|
* 182. nihongo|The Way to Die|ご意見無用|
* 152. nihongo|Promise|約束|
* 194. nihongo|Higeoyaji and his Son|二人三脚|
* 242. nihongo|A Question of Priorities|オペの順番|Supe no Junban
* 064. nihongo|You Did It!|おまえが犯人だ!!|
* 189. nihongo|Bullet Wound|銃創|
* 027. nihongo|Shiraha-sama|白葉さま|
* 117. nihongo|Waiting for the Future|未来への贈りもの|
* 133. nihongo|Teruteru Bozu|てるてる坊主|
* 122. nihongo|Never Give Up|三度目の正直|
* 169. nihongo|Guinea Pig|モルモット|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 10
OriginalRelDate = June 20, 1988
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09978-3
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 186. nihongo|Island of Avina|アヴィナの島|
* 068. nihongo|The Most Beautiful Woman in the World|えらばれたマスク|
* 231. nihongo|Revenge|復讐こそわが命|
* 149. nihongo|The Unfinished House|やり残しの家|
* 002. nihongo|The Dolphin Savior|海のストレンジャー|
* 038. nihongo|Pinoko Returns!|ピノコ還る!|
* 220. nihongo|The Honorable Crime|カプセルをはく男|
* 233. nihongo|Blood Relations|骨肉|
* 142. nihongo|Burglary|盗難|
* 025. nihongo|Ashes and Diamonds|灰とダイヤモンド|
* 173. nihongo|Hot Night|あつい夜|
* 174. nihongo|The Kidnapper and the Kidnapped|身の代金|
* 213. nihongo|The Policeman and Mannequin|人形と警官|Ningyou to keikan
* 159. nihongo|Fake Doctor|お医者さんごっこ|Oisha san Gokko
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 11
OriginalRelDate = August 15, 1988
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09979-0
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 071. nihongo|Pneumothorax Operation|けいれん|
* 073. nihongo|Broken into Little Pieces|こっぱみじん|
* 172. nihongo|Days of Vanity|命のきずな|
* 008. nihongo|Lost Memories|とざされた記憶|
* 098. nihongo|Dearest Voice|犬のささやき|
* 147. nihongo|New Volcano|昭和新山|
* 105. nihongo|Memories of the Operating Room|雪の訪問者|
* 203. nihongo|Double Hold|がめつい同士|
* 235. nihongo|Talk|話し合い|
* 226. nihongo|Pocket Monkey|ポケットモンキー|
* 082. nihongo|Hello, CQ|ハローCQ|
* 131. nihongo|Blue Terror|青い恐怖|
* 219. nihongo|The War Never Ends|戦争はなおも続く|Sensō ha naomo tsuzuku
* 229. nihongo|Call It Life|人生という名のSL|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 12
OriginalRelDate = December 25, 1988
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09980-6
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 206. nihongo|Wildcat Boy|山猫少年|
* 176. nihongo|The Language of Breath|信号|
* 101. nihongo|Invaders From Space|侵略者(インベーダー)|
* 045. nihongo|The White Lion|白いライオン|Shiroi raion
* 084. nihongo|The Boy with The Belly|デベソの達|
* 010. nihongo|Son of Siva|鬼子母神の息子|
* 195. nihongo|The Second Person|二人目がいた|
* 224. nihongo|Psychic Powers from a Closed Room|密室の少年|
* 021. nihongo|Save the Baby!|その子を殺すな!|
* 108. nihongo|The Bear|クマ|
* 145. nihongo|Operation of the Spirit|霊のいる風景|
* 103. nihongo|The Guy Who Came Back|帰ってきたあいつ|
* 241. nihongo|The Power of Laughter|笑い上戸|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 13
OriginalRelDate = January 10, 1994
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09981-3
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 093. nihongo|A Perverse Swimmer|水とあくたれ|
* 007. nihongo|The Pirate's Arm|海賊の腕|Kaizoku no ude
* 134. nihongo|Death of a Movie Star|あるスターの死|
* 140. nihongo|The Teratogenous Cystoma Part 2|畸形嚢腫パート2|
* 065. nihongo|The Cursed Operation|のろわれた手術|
* 191. nihongo|Attempted Suicide|小うるさい自殺者|
* 014. nihongo|Aftereffects|後遺症|
* 215. nihongo|The Suicide Aspirant|山小屋の一夜|
* 163. nihongo|Honma Hematoma|本間血腫|
* 211. nihongo|Operating on a Man from Space|未知への挑戦|
* 162. nihongo|Weak-willed Shirano|気が弱いシラノ|
* 225. nihongo|Animation Program Solomon|動けソロモン|Dōke Solomon
* 210. nihongo|The Boy Who Ran Away from Home|家出を拾った日|
* 097. nihongo|A Lucky Man|幸運な男|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 14
OriginalRelDate = August 10, 1995
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09982-0
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 060. nihongo|The Corsican Brothers|コルシカの兄弟|
* 048. nihongo|The Phone Rings Three Times|電話が三度なった|
* 085. nihongo|Temporary Love|かりそめの愛を|
* 087. nihongo|Full Moon Disease|満月病|
* 095. nihongo|The Devil|悪魔|::tankōbon: nihongo|Captain Devil|魔王大尉|
* 106. nihongo|Urashima Taro|浦島太郎|
* 107. nihongo|The Little Devil|小さな悪魔|
* 114. nihongo|The Girl Cartoonist|ペンをすてろ!|
* 150. nihongo|The 18th Child|激流|
* 153. nihongo|Record of A Director|ある監督の記録|::tankōbon: nihongo|There Were Two Films|フィルムは二つあった|
* 178. nihongo|The Men Swallowed by a Whale|鯨にのまれた男|
* 204. nihongo|Noise Operation|消えさった音|
* 208. nihongo|Black Jack Syndrome|ブラック・ジャック病|
* 237. nihongo|Just Like Black Jack|B・Jそっくり|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 15
OriginalRelDate = December 20, 2000
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09983-7
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 081. nihongo|Treasure Island|宝島|
* 075. nihongo|A Star is Born|スター誕生|
* 019. nihongo|Leaf Buds|木の芽|
* 077. nihongo|Dedicated to Vampires|ドラキュラに捧ぐ|
* 109. nihongo|Conversation with a Dead Person|死者との対話|
* 112. nihongo|Homesick|望郷|
* 130. nihongo|Fog||
* 135. nihongo|A Happening at Dawn|夜明けのできごと|
* 138. nihongo|Development of Cancer Treatment|きたるべきチャンス|
* 156. nihongo|A Surgeon Lives for Music|音楽のある風景|
* 175. nihongo|An Internal Clock|闇時計|
* 192. nihongo|Life of the Grand Master of Flower Arrangement|命を生ける|
* 217. nihongo|A Cholera Scare|コレラさわぎ|
* 202. nihongo|Suggestion in the 20th Year|20年目の暗示|20nen me no anji
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 16
OriginalRelDate = March 20, 2001
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09984-4
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 004. nihongo|Anaphylaxis|アナフィラキシー|
* 003. nihongo|Miyuki and Ben|ミユキとベン|
* 154. nihongo|Lost Youth|失われた青春|
* 059. nihongo|I Want My Brother Back!|にいちゃんをかえせ!!|
* 113. nihongo|Another Jack|もう一人のJ|
* 047. nihongo|The Gleaming Eyes|光る目|
* 166. nihongo|Lynching|リンチ|
* 184. nihongo|The People of the Nekogami Family|猫上家の人々|
* 198. nihongo|A Public Bath|浮世風呂|
* 196. nihongo|Cancer Hunter|腫瘍狩り|
* 216. nihongo|A Plot to Film Black Jack Performing an Operation|裏目|
* 238. nihongo|A Passed Moment|過ぎ去りし一瞬|
Summary =

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 17
OriginalRelDate = October 12, 2004
OriginalISBN = 978-4-253-09991-2
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* 016. nihongo|Pinoko Refuses to Leave Home|ピノコ再び|Pinoko futatabi
* 005. nihongo|Bird Man|人間鳥|Ningen tori
* 009. nihongo|Two Shujis|ふたりの修二|Futari no Shuji
* 026. nihongo|Captain Pac|パク船長|Paku Senchō
* 031. nihongo|Tommy|化身|Keshin
* 039. nihongo|Junka Restaurant|純華飯店|Junka hanten
* 144. nihongo|Money! Money! Money!|!|Kane! Kane! Kane!
* 187. nihongo|Kimodameshi|キモダメシ|Kimodameshi
* 158. nihongo|The Phoenix|不死鳥|Fushitori
* 165. nihongo|Visited Memories|おとずれた思い出|Otozure ta omoide
* 228. nihongo|After the Typhoon Goes|台風一過|Taifū ikka
Summary =

Chapters not collected in Akita Deluxe edition


ee also

*Black Jack
*List of Black Jack episodes
*List of Osamu Tezuka manga

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  • List of Bleach chapters — This is a list of chapters of the Bleach manga, part of the Bleach media franchise. The plot follows the adventures of a teenager called Ichigo Kurosaki who becomes a Soul Reaper and assumes the duties of the Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki. The series …   Wikipedia

  • List of Negima! Magister Negi Magi characters — The Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga and anime series features a cast of characters designed by Ken Akamatsu. Contents 1 Main characters: Mahora Girls Jr. High Class 2/3 A 1.1 Negi Springfield 1.2 Sayo Ais …   Wikipedia

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