Rombout Verhulst

Rombout Verhulst

Rombout Verhulst (Mechelen, 15 January 1624 - The Hague, buried 27 November 1698) was a Brabant sculptor.


In 1646 he moved to Amsterdam, where he worked under the Flemish sculptor Artus Quellinus on the decoration of the new town hall. His independent position among Quellinus' co-workers is apparent from the fact that he was the only one to individually sign works in this project. Around 1658 he moved to Leiden where he produced various sculptures for urban buildings and for tomb monuments. In 1663 he established himself in the Hague, where in 1668 he became a member of a guild.


Rombout Verhulst is best known for his many tomb monuments, but he made also portrait busts, garden sculptures and small-scale works in ivory. Its best portrait bust is that of Jacob van Reygersbergh from 1671, now in the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. His chief work (though not his most successful creation) is the decorated tomb of Michiel de Ruyter in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.

*A "Venus and the swan" and portrayals of Modesty and Good Faith (Getrouwheid) (ca. 1654) in the galleries of the Amsterdam city hall
*The decorated tomb of Jan van Galen (about 1655) in the New Church at Amsterdam. The design is by Artus Quellinus, the sea-battle scene (zeeslag) by Willem de Keyser.
*The tomb of Marches Harpertszoon Tromp,(completed 1656) in the Oude Kerk in Delft. The design is probably by Jacob van Campen, and the sea-battle scene by Willem de Keyser.
*The sculpture at the Waag in Leiden (1657)
*The relief, representing the plague in the form of a Fury (1660), above the gate of the plague-house in Leiden
*The epitaph for Pieter van der Werff (1661) in the Hooglandse Church, Leiden
*The lion above the gate of the Burcht at Leiden (1662)
*The decorated tomb for Willem van Lyere and Maria van Reigersberch, at the Dorpskerk at Katwijk aan den Rijn
*The tomb for Johan Polyander Kerkhoven (1663) in the Pieterskerk, Leiden
*The decorated tomb of Carel Hieronymus van In- and Kniphuisen (1665-69) in the church at Midwolde
*The epitaph for Hendrick Thibaut and his wife and daughter (1669) in the church of Aagtekerke
*The epitaph for schout-bij-nacht Willem van der Zaen (1670) in Amsterdam
*The epitaph for Th. Graswinckel (1670) in the Grote Kerk at the Hague
*The epitaph for Johannes of Gheel (ca. 1670) in the church at Spanbroek
*The tomb for Adriaan Clant (1672) in the church at Stedum
*The epitaph for Isaac Sweers (1674) in the Oude Kerk at Amsterdam
*The tomb monument for Hieronymus van Tuyll van Serooskerken (ca. 1675) in the church at Stavenisse
*The decorated tomb for lieutenant-admiral Willem Joseph van Ghent (1676) in the Domkerk in Utrecht.
*The tomb of Michiel de Ruyter (completed 1681) in the Nieuwe Kerk at Amsterdam
*The decorated tomb for Johan and Cornelis Evertsen (1680-82) in the Nieuwe Kerk at Amsterdam

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