- Al-Maris (region)
Al-Maris (suburb) for the suburb of the same name."Al-Maris ( _ar. المريس) was a
Medieval Arabic name forLower Nubia , the region of theNile around the first and secondcataract s, includingAswan . Because most of the sources for Nubian history during the period are in Arabic, it is sometimes used interchangeably with theNubia n region ofNobadia . The northern section of al-Maris was part ofFatimid Upper Egypt and was semi-independent under the Kanz ad-Dawla between 1046 and 1077 AD. The Kanz ad-Dawla Nasir invaded Nubia in 1066 but was repulsed and his territory raided.The main towns were
Aswan (Greek Syene) in Egypt andFaras (Coptic Bakharas, Greek Pakhoras,Arabic Bajrash) and Fort Ibrim (CopticPhrim , GreekPrimis ) in Nobadia.The area was occupied by
Saladin 's brother, al-Malik al-Mu'azzam Shams ad-Dawla Turanshah from1172 to1174 , but theAyyubids withdrew a few years later. Some parts were overrun by theBanu Kanz and others were held by the Christian kings atDotawo . It was nominally annexed toMamluk Egypt byBaybars in1276 , but continued to be at least partially ruled by autonomous Christian kings atDotawo until its conquest bySennar in 1504.ee also
*Banu Kanz References
* [http://www.fallingrain.com/world/EG/23/Al_Maris.html Geographic information on al-Maris]
* [http://www.africa.upenn.edu/ssanewsletter/vol24no2-06.pdf Relations between Islamic Egypt and Christian Nubia: the Case of the Baqt] , a paper byRichard Lobban
* [http://www.arkamani.org/arkamani-library/christian/godlewski_2.htm Arkamani: Sudan Electronic Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology]
* [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2003/2003-01-16.html The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia: Pagans, Christians and Muslims along the Middle Nile] , byDerek Welsby
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.