

Bario is located in the centre of the Kelabit Highlands is tucked in the north eastern of Sarawak and is very close to the international border between Kalimantan and Sarawak. Bario is located on the Kelabit Highlands, 3280 feet above sea level. It is the unofficial capital of the Kelabit Highlands. All roads lead to Bario. Due to geographical barrier, this wonderful place is isolated from the rest of the world.

The People

The Kelabit, at approximately 5000 people, is one of the smallest ethnic groups in Sarawak... Like many other indigenous communities in Sarawak, the Kelabit live in longhouses on the highlands. However, due to economic and social factors, many have migrated to live in urban areas over the last 20 years. It is estimated that roughly only 1200 Kelabit are still living on the highlands.

The Kelabit speak their language which is called "Kelabit". Today, many have learned to speak English and Malay languages.


Over a century ago, the Kelabits were involved in head hunting raids, not so much for ritual purposes but as a means to prove ones courage, bravery, guts or valiancy, and to get even with their enemy. However, things have changed. Today among other things, the Kelabits are well-known for the friendliness and hospitality. They embraced Christianity during the 1940s through the influence of Guru Paul, also known as Nimang Tepun.

In the year 1946, the first school was opened by Tom Harrison, who lived with the Kelabits for two years after the Second World War. In the year 2001, the Bario community was named as one of the Top Seven Intelligent Communities by World Teleport Association [ [ World Teleport Association] ] .


The community's main economic activity is agriculture, mainly growing Bario rice. The cool climate at the average 20 oC enables the residents to cultivate citrus fruits besides rice. Besides, Bario is famous for its high-potash Bario-made salt and the refreshing, juicy Bario pineapple.


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