- Euplectes
image_width = 220px
image_caption =Black-winged Red Bishop ("E. hordeaceus")
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
ordo =Passeriformes
familia =Ploceidae
genus = "Euplectes"
genus_authority = Swainson, 1829
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = About 17, see text"Euplectes" is a
genus ofpasserine bird in the weaver family, Ploceidae. It contains the bishops and widowbirds. They are all native toAfrica south of theSahara . It contains the following species in taxonomic order:
*Yellow-crowned Bishop , "Euplectes afer"
*Fire-fronted Bishop , "Euplectes diadematus"
*Black Bishop , "Euplectes gierowii"
*Black-winged Red Bishop , "Euplectes hordeaceus"
*Northern Red Bishop or Orange Bishop, "Euplectes franciscanus"
*Southern Red Bishop or Red Bishop, "Euplectes orix"
*Zanzibar Bishop , "Euplectes nigroventris"
*Golden-backed Bishop , "Euplectes aureus"
*Yellow Bishop , "Euplectes capensis"
*Fan-tailed Widowbird , "Euplectes axillaris"
*Yellow-shouldered Widowbird , "Euplectes macrourus"
*White-winged Widowbird , "Euplectes albonotatus"
*Red-collared Widowbird , "Euplectes ardens"
*Marsh Widowbird , "Euplectes hartlaubi"
*Buff-shouldered Widowbird , "Euplectes psammocromius"
*Long-tailed Widowbird , "Euplectes progne"
*Jackson's Widowbird , "Euplectes jacksoni"
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