- Estrilda
image_caption =Black-crowned Waxbill
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
ordo =Passeriformes
familia =Estrildidae
genus = "Estrilda"
genus_authority = Swainson 1827"Estrilda" is a
genus of finch in theEstrildidae family. Most of the genus is found inAfrica with one species, theArabian Waxbill , ranging intoAsia . Some species are kept as pets and have been accidentally introduced to various parts of the world. It contains the following species:
*Black-lored Waxbill ("Estrilda nigriloris")
*Common Waxbill ("Estrilda astrild")
*Anambra Waxbill ("Estrilda poliopareia")
*Arabian Waxbill ("Estrilda rufibarba")
*Black-rumped Waxbill ("Estrilda troglodytes")
*Black-crowned Waxbill ("Estrilda nonnula")
*Black-headed Waxbill ("Estrilda atricapilla")
*Red-rumped Waxbill ("Estrilda charmosyna")
*Fawn-breasted Waxbill ("Estrilda paludicola")
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