The Five (gods)

The Five (gods)

The Five, also known as the Circle, are a group of five gods in Trudi Canavan's Age of the Five trilogy.


After the War of the Gods, in which many deities were killed, only six gods were left alive. Following the suicide of the sixth, Sorli, the remainder established themselves as the gods of all Ithania, creating two separate and rival traditions to worship them- the Pentadrians and the Circlians. Taking on different names and images for each religion, the Five spent their time playing games with humanity, pitting their two religions against each other, and convincing each faith that the other religion was heretical. The Five were known as the Circle in the Circlian religion, and as the Five to the Pentadrians. They were represented by the White in the Circlians, and the Voices of the Gods to the Pentadrians.

The five were killed when the 6 wilds surrounded them and created a void. When the wilds drew all the magic away an area of magic was left in the middle of the newly created void. Although the Gods could have survived until the magic flowed back, freeing them, Chaia, trying to protect the humans from the other Gods continuing influence drew all the magic into himself, finally killing himself and the other 4 gods.

To the Ciclians, the Five were:

*Chaia, God of Kings
*Huan, Goddess of Love
*Lore, God of War
*Yranna, Goddess of Women
*Saru, God of Gambling

To the Pentadrians, the Five were:

*Sheyr, God of Prosperity
*Hrun, Goddess of Fertility
*Alor, God of Warriors
*Ranah, Goddess of Fire
*Sraal, God of wealth



Known as Chaia, God of Kings to the Circlians, and Sheyr, God of Prosperity to the Pentadrians, Chaia was a legendary seducer on a par with Mirar, who was hated by the immortals and Dreamweavers for his sexual habits. Using magic to pleasure his lovers in a way no physical sensation could match, he left young women mad and shells of their former selves when he grew bored and cast them aside. Alternatively, as Auraya's lover, Chaia protected her and interceded many times on her behalf, showing her the treachery of Huan and saving her from being raped and killed by Nekaun. Chaia also killed the other members of the Five when he committed suicide.


Known as Huan, Goddess of Love to the Circlians, and Hrun, Goddess of Fertility to the Pentadrians, Huan was notorious for her capriciousness and cruelty. Deforming and torturing thousands of humans to create mutants such as the Siyee and Elai, Huan was hated by Dreamweavers and immortals alike. She was initially a supporter of Auraya, but after the White's refusal to kill Mirar or let the goddess possess her, Huan persecuted Auraya, attempting to kill and maim her on multiple occasions.

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