- Willman 1
Infobox Galaxy
name = Willman 1
epoch =J2000
type = extreme dSph or
unusual globular clusterHarv|Willman|Blanton|West|Dalcanton|2005]
ra = RA|10|49|22.3
dec = DEC|+51|03|03.6
dist_ly = 120 ± 20 kly (38 ± 7 kpc)Harv|Willman|Masjedi|Hogg|Dalcanton|2006]
z =
appmag_v = 15.4 ± 0.4Ref_label|A|a|none
size_v =
constellation name =Ursa Major
notes =
names = SDSS J1049+5103Willman 1 or SDSS J1049+5103 is an extreme
globular cluster or ultra low-massdwarf galaxy Harv|NED|2007] discovered by a team lead byBeth Willman ofNew York University , usingSloan Digital Sky Survey data. As of2006 , it is the third dimmest galaxy known, afterBoo dSph andUMa dSph , 200 times dimmer than the next dimmest. The galaxy is a satellite of theMilky Way ; ~120,000light-year s away. It has anabsolute magnitude of -2.5. The luminosity function varies between the center and the tails which suggestmass segregation similar to that found inPalomar 5 .Notes
- Note_label|A|a|none15.4 ± 0.4 apparent magnitude - 5 * (log10(38 ± 7 kpc distance) - 1) = -2.5 absolute magnitude
* Harvard reference
Surname1 = NED
Title = Results for SDSS J1049+5103
Authorlink = NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
Journal = NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
Year = 2007
date=January 9 2007
Publisher = Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
URL = http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?objname=SDSS+J1049%2B5103
* Harvard reference
Surname1 = Willman
Given1 = Beth
Surname2 = Blanton
Given2 = Michael R.
Surname3 = West
Given3 = Andrew A.
Surname4 = Dalcanton
Given4 = Julianne J.
Surname5 = Hogg
Given5 = David W.
Surname6 = Schneider
Given6 = Donald P.
Surname7 = Wherry
Given7 = Nicholas
Surname8 = Yanny
Given8 = Brian
Surname9 = Brinkmann
Given9 = Jon
Title = A New Milky Way Companion: Unusual Globular Cluster or Extreme Dwarf Satellite?
Journal = The Astronomical Journal
Year = 2005
Volume = 129
Issue = 6
Pages = 2692-2700
URL = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2005AAS...207.9101W
* Harvard reference
Surname1 = Willman
Given1 = Beth
Surname2 = Masjedi
Given2 = Morad
Surname3 = Hogg
Given3 = David W.
Surname4 = Dalcanton
Given4 = Julianne J.
Surname5 = Martinez-Delgado
Given5 = David
Surname6 = Blanton
Given6 = Michael
Surname7 = West
Given7 = Andrew A.
Surname8 = Dotter
Given8 = Aaron
Surname9 = Chaboyer
Given9 = Brian
Title = Willman 1 - A Galactic Satellite at 40 kpc With Multiple Stellar Tails
Journal = The Astronomical Journal
Year = 2006
date= March 2006
Volume = subject to acceptance
Issue =
Pages =
URL = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?bibcode=2006astro.ph..3486W
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