Notre Europe

Notre Europe
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Notre Europe is an independent think tank based in Paris. Founded in 1996 by Jacques Delors, it aims to "think a united Europe."


Notre Europe's research is focused around four axes:

  • "Visions of Europe" (European identity; European institutional reform)
  • "European democracy in action" (transnational deliberative democracy; European think tanks)
  • "Competition, cooperation, solidarity" (the CAP post-2013; the European budget; a European energy policy)
  • "Europe and world governance" (comparative regional integration)

Notre Europe's main activity is to publish studies and to organise public symposia and seminars. Its publications are essentially produced in-house, but outside researchers and academics are also called on. Work is published in French and English, and occasionally German.

Notable debate contributions by Notre Europe include the organisation of Europe's first transnational deliberative poll, Tomorrow's Europe; a study on the poisonous budget rebate debate; an analysis of the 2005 rejection of the European constitutional treaty; an examination of European think tanks; a blueprint for a new "European social contract"; and a proposal to politicise European debate by linking the choice of European Commission president to European Parliament elections.

Notre Europe has been successively presided by Jacques Delors (1996-2004), Pascal Lamy (2004-05), and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa (since November 2005). It is a member of the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN) and frequently works in partnership with other organisations.


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