Proof of the law of large numbers

Proof of the law of large numbers

Given "X"1, "X"2, ... an infinite sequence of i.i.d. random variables with finite expected value "E(X"1")" = "E(X"2")" = ... = µ < ∞, we are interested in the convergence of the sample average

:overline{X}_n= frac1n(X_1+cdots+X_n).


The weak law

Theorem: overline{X}_n , xrightarrow{P} , mu qquad extrm{for}qquad n o infty.

Proof using Chebyshev's inequality

This proof uses the assumption of finite variance operatorname{Var} (X_i)=sigma^2 (for all i). The independence of the random variables implies no correlation between them, and we have that

:operatorname{Var}(overline{X}_n) = frac{nsigma^2}{n^2} = frac{sigma^2}{n}.

The common mean μ of the sequence is the mean of the sample average:

:E(overline{X}_n) = mu.

Using Chebyshev's inequality on overline{X}_n results in

:operatorname{P}( left| overline{X}_n-mu ight| geq varepsilon) leq frac{sigma^2}{nvarepsilon^2}.

This may be used to obtain the following:

:operatorname{P}( left| overline{X}_n-mu ight| < varepsilon) = 1 - operatorname{P}( left| overline{X}_n-mu ight| geq varepsilon) geq 1 - frac{sigma^2}{n varepsilon^2 }.

As "n" approaches infinity, the expression approaches 1. And by definition of convergence in probability (see Convergence of random variables), we have obtained

:overline{X}_n , xrightarrow{P} , mu qquad extrm{for}qquad n o infty.

Proof using convergence of characteristic functions

By Taylor's theorem for complex functions, the characteristic function of any random variable, "X", with finite mean μ, can be written as

:varphi_X(t) = 1 + itmu + o(t), quad t ightarrow 0.

All "X"1, "X"2, ... have the same characteristic function, so we will simply denote this "φ""X".

Among the basic properties of characteristic functions there are

:varphi_{frac 1 n X}(t)= varphi_X( frac t n) quad extrm{and} quad varphi_{X+Y}(t)=varphi_X(t) varphi_Y(t) quad extrm{if,}X, extrm{and}, Y, extrm{are,,independent}.

These rules can be used to calculate the characteristic function of scriptstyleoverline{X}_n in terms of "φ""X":

:varphi_{overline{X}_n}(t)= left [varphi_Xleft({t over n} ight) ight] ^n = left [1 + imu{t over n} + oleft({t over n} ight) ight] ^n , ightarrow , e^{itmu}, quad extrm{as} quad n ightarrow infty.

The limit "e""it"μ is the characteristic function of the constant random variable μ, and hence by the Lévy continuity theorem, scriptstyleoverline{X}_n converges in distribution to μ:

:overline{X}_n , xrightarrow{mathcal D} , mu qquad extrm{for}qquad n o infty.

μ is a constant, which implies that convergence in distribution to μ and convergence in probability to μ are equivalent. (See Convergence of random variables) This implies that

:overline{X}_n , xrightarrow{P} , mu qquad extrm{for}qquad n o infty.

This proof states, in fact, that the sample mean converges in probability to the derivative of the characteristic function at the origin, as long as this exists.

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