

Lokhaniemi (Lihaniemi before 1948, _ru. полуостров Лоханиеми, _fi. Lihaniemi) is a peninsula along the eastern shore of the Bay of Vyborg (in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea), at its narrowest point, between the Bay Tikhaya and Bay Medyanskaya.

External links

* [http://terijoki.spb.ru/trk_showpic.php3?dir=pics/vyborg&
* [http://terijoki.spb.ru/trk_showpic.php3?dir=pics/vyborg&
* [http://www.yuriy-photo.narod.ru/karelskiyperesheek2002/target/07_lihaniemi/page01.html Pictures of Lokhaniemi]

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