Luise Danz

Luise Danz

Luise Danz (born December 11, 1917) is a former concentration camp guard. She was born in Walldorf (Werra), Thuringia.

Camp work

On January 24, 1943 at the age of 26, Luise Danz was conscripted as an "Aufseherin" within the Nazi concentration camp system. She served as guard in several camps, such as Kraków-Płaszów, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Malchow. In 1943 she received an award from the Nazis for her camp service. She became "Oberaufseherin" in Malchow in January 1945 when she arrived.

Capture and first trial

At the end of the war in 1945, Luise tried to quietly slip into obscurity, but was later discovered and put on trial in the 1946 Auschwitz Trial by Poland for crimes that she had committed while on duty in the vast camp system. At her trial she was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was then released early in 1956.

econd trial

In 1996, Luise Danz was tried in a German court for allegedly stamping a young girl to death at the Malchow concentration camp. The doctor overseeing the trial told the court that the proceedings were too much for the elderly woman and all charges were dropped. As of 2007 Danz is still alive at the age of 90.


Irith Dublon-Knebel [ "Erinnern kann ich mich nur an eine Frau Danz...". Die Aufseherin Luise Danz in der Erinnerung ihrer Opfer] " in "Genozid und Geschlecht. Jüdische Frauen im nationalsozialistischen Lagersystem" Hrsg. Bock, Gisela : Frankfurt am Main 2005, 66-84

ee also

*List of living Nazis

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