It's All Right with Me — It’s All Right with Me ist eine Komposition von Cole Porter von 1953. Porter schrieb den Song für den 2. Akt seines Musicals Can Can, in dessen Uraufführung am Broadway er von Peter Cookson gesungen wurde. In Deutschland hat Inge Brandenburg den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
It’s All Right with Me — ist eine Komposition von Cole Porter von 1953. Porter schrieb den Song für den 2. Akt seines Musicals Can Can, in dessen Uraufführung am Broadway er von Peter Cookson gesungen wurde. In Deutschland hat Inge Brandenburg den Song 1965 (mit Gunter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
all right — W2S1 adj, adv, interjection [not before noun] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(good)¦ 2¦(no problems)¦ 3 do all right (for yourself/herself etc) 4¦(suitable)¦ 5 it s all right 6 it s/that s all right 7¦(permission)¦ 8¦(agreement)¦ 9¦(understanding)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
all right — all right1 adjective, adverb MAINLY SPOKEN *** ▸ 1 fairly/very good ▸ 2 going well ▸ 3 for permission ▸ 4 not hurt/sick ▸ 5 for making someone less upset ▸ 6 for admitting something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) satisfactory or fairly pleasant, but not… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
all right — 1 / . ./ adjective, adverb (not before noun) spoken 1 SATISFACTORY satisfactory or acceptable but not excellent: What s the food like? Well, it s all right I suppose, but the place on Melrose Avenue is better. | How s school going, Steve? Oh, all … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
all right */*/*/ — I UK / US adjective, adverb mainly spoken 1) a) satisfactory or fairly pleasant, but not excellent Manchester s all right, but I d rather live in London. My teacher is all right, but she doesn t really listen to me. b) very good or nice What s… … English dictionary
all right — ♦♦ (in BRIT, also use alright) 1) ADJ: v link ADJ If you say that someone or something is all right, you mean that you find them satisfactory or acceptable. I consider you a good friend, and if it s all right with you, I d like to keep it that… … English dictionary
all right — I. adjective Date: 1819 1. satisfactory, agreeable < whatever you decide is all right with me > 2. safe, well < he was ill but he s all right now > 3. good, pleasing often used as a generalized term of approval < an … New Collegiate Dictionary
all right — all right′ adv. 1) yes; very well: All right, I ll go with you[/ex] 2) (used as an interrogative) do you agree?: We ll meet tomorrow, all right?[/ex] 3) satisfactorily; acceptably: Her work is coming along all right[/ex] 4) without fail;… … From formal English to slang
all right — is still the preferred way of writing this common expression. The alternative form alright, despite its much higher frequency, is not fully accepted, although there are various arguments in its favour, especially: (1) the need to distinguish it… … Modern English usage