Technology and ships of the Seikai Series

Technology and ships of the Seikai Series

This article describes the fictional technology and space ships from the science fiction anime series "Crest of the Stars" and "Banner of the Stars".



Also referred to as "Anti-substance" in the anime series, Anti-matter is the fuel used by starships in the Seikai series. The substance can be produced in large quantities by orbiting factories, which store the product in asteroids.

Genetic Engineering

See also:Abh#Attributes

Like several other science fiction series, Genetic Engineering in the Seikai series is applied to humans. The Abh have used the technology to have each biological Abh have the similar phenotypes: blue hair, pale skin, and beauty. Other additions to the Abh are an extra-sensory organ located on the forehead, something not found on regular humans.

Probably because of the threat of the Abh, The United Mankind looks down upon Genetic Engineering. This is evidenced in Lt. Kyte, who being a recipient of genetic engineering looks far younger than he really is. As a result, his military career has suffered.

Plane Space

In the Seikai series, Interstellar travel is accomplished by traveling into "Plane Space", which serves a function like Hyperspace in other science fiction works. Ships travel through this dimension, allowing reaching other stars in a timely matter. Unlike Hyperspace, Plane-space is actually two-dimensional, lacking the dimension of depth. Anything entering Plane-space would be destroyed and converted to "Space-time particles". Without depth, everything (from gates and ships), is located in the same plane.

To travel through plane-space, ships are required to have "space-time bubble", created by a generator. Within the sphere of the bubble, depth is created and allows ships to travel plane-space. Should a ship be in plane-space when the bubble shuts down, they would be destroyed. Also, the bubble constantly requires energy to generate, even when the ship is not moving.

Communication between ships in Plane-space is possible, but only at relatively short ranges. Radar also allows ships to detect "Space-time clusters", which could be other ships or mines.

In the normal universe, entrance to plane space is possible through a Gate (called a Sord in Abh). These gates are large, bright spheres, often located in a star system near a planet. Because of their importance to interstellar travel, Sords are major strategic targets. In a literary context, it is a device to Pournelle's Alderson Points, making space battles possible by preventing an easy escape, as well as a location which forces two parties to fight.

Combat in Plane Space

Fighting in plane-space allows for ships to strategically deploy much like an age-of-sail navy. Military planners can organize a battle on a flat plane, instead of considering the third-dimension as would fighting in regular space require.

Also, the nature of plane-space dictates how ships engage each other. Before an attack can be commenced, a ship or mine's Space-time bubble must merge with their target. Upon merging, the ships or mines can attack. Ship-to-ship battles in a space-time bubble are fought in three-dimensions, and at close ranges. If the need arises, a ship can escape from battle by separating their space-time bubble from their opponent. A typical defensive strategy is to commence a bubble separation if the ship is targeted by laser blasts or fusion-bombs, since they can't leave the sphere.

Starship Weapons and Defense

* Anti-proton Cannon:An anti-ship weapon that fires anti-protons.

* Electromagnetic Cannons:Also called Electromagnetic Rifles in the Crest of the Stars anime series, these are large rail guns that propel nuclear fusion bombs at high speeds. These are the second most powerful weapons used in warfare.

*Electromagnetic shields:A powerful defensive shield surrounding ships that can deflect lasers and anti-proton attacks. However, they prove ineffective against electromagnetic cannons and mines.

*Hull Armor: Primary ship defense on ships, it is armor that provide protection from shrapnel and attacks. The amount of armor varies from each ship type.

*Laser cannons: High energy lasers, assault ships often use them as point-defense against mines.

*Space-Time Mines:A very powerful, long-range anti-ship missile. Filled with Anti-matter, the mines have a powerful explosive yield. Also, each mine is self-propelled, and is able to produce its own Space-time bubble. This allows the mine to attack from long-ranges in plane space.


The Seikai series also focuses much on space-borne combat, with large fleets consisting of tens to thousands of ships battling in normal space and plane-space.

Many of the ships in the series have similarities to modern day blue-water navy ships. Interestingly, the series does not use typical naval classification (Cruiser, Destroyer, etc.) as most other Military science fiction does. The Abh names for the ships are included.


*Patrol Ships (Lesui) - Patrol ships are functionally equivalent to the current day real world Cruisers. Better armored and armed than Attack ships, with Electromagnetic cannons, lasers, and a limited amount of mines. Relatively slower than Attack ships. However, Patrol ships are capable of fighting multiple targets simultaneously, and are well armed and armored enough to take on an assault ship squadron.

*Assault Ships (Gel) - Small, fast, and maneuverable attack ships that are functionally equivalent to the current day destroyer. These attack ships have the disadvantage of having less fire power and defensive capabilities. A single, direct hit by a Space-time mine could destroy an assault ship. To make of for this disadvantage, assault ships are deployed in squadrons of several assault ships, which are capable of swarming larger craft.

Ship armament typically carries two laser cannons for point defense, and an anti-proton canon. The United Mankind's assault ships are also armed with four missiles.

*Command Ships - Ships about the size of Patrol Ships, used by Fleet Commanders as Flagships. Typically, these ships try to stay away from the battle, though they can be used to fight if the battle gets desperate. Apparently armed with mines and other energy weapons.

*Guard Ships - Ships armed with lasers. These ships are similar to the defensive role of a real world frigate or destroyer.

*Front Line Battleship (Ret) - Large, slower carriers with a large armament of space-time mines. Typically used for long-range massive mine attacks. Like real life carriers, the Front Line ships are vulnerable due to its bulk and dependence of mines for defense. Once the ship runs out of mines, it depletes its attack capabilities. However, they can still be used as transport ships it required.

As seen in the anime series, Abh Battleships fire their mines when by opening its forward part of the ship, deploying four large arms. The mines then fly out of the arms towards their target. When traveling, these arms remain closed.

*Mobile Fortress - Seen briefly in the Banner of the Stars anime, it was a large starship or space station used by the United Mankind.

Auxiliary Craft

*Communication ShipA Plane-space capable ship that is used for long range communications in Plane-space. In emergency, the Communications ship can make an emergency landing onto a planet.

*CalickeSmall shuttle found on Assault ships. In times of emergency, a Calicke can be used as a life-boat. However, such ships are incapable of traveling through Plane-space.

*Supply Ships Transport ships that supply materials and supplies to the fleet. In addition, the Abh Star Forces also include a large number and types of space installations. There are stations for repair, loading, providing rest and relaxation while off duty, even smaller structures for allowing Assault squadrons leaders to meet.


* Morioka, Hiroyuki and Ono, Toshihiro. (2004) Seikai Trilogy: Banner of the Stars. Los Aneles: Tokyopop Inc.

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