- Avalara
company_name = Avalara, Inc.
company_type = Private
foundation =Washington (1999)
location =Bainbridge Island, Washington
key_people = Jared Vogt - Chairman of the Board CEO
Rory Rawlings - Chief Tax Automation Officer
Scott McFarlane - President
Marshal Kushniruk - Executive VP of Strategic Accounts & Customer Experience
Ranjit Mulgaonkar - VP Product Management & Business Development
Jason Warren - VP of Strategic Accounts
Pat Falle - VP of Sales
industry =Accounting software
products = AvaTax Connect for Quickbooks
AvaTax Connect for Epicor
AvaTax Connect for Sage MAS 90 / MAS 200
AvaTax Connect Sage MAS 500
AvaTax Connect for Sage ACCPAC
AvaTax Connect for Microsoft Dynamics GP
AvaTax Connect for Microsoft Navision
AvaTax Connect for Microsoft AX
homepage = [http://www.avalara.com/ www.avalara.com]Avalara, Inc. company that offers
Sales Tax Management Services utilizingSoftware as a Service (SaaS) for small to medium enterprises. Avalara was originally named " Advantage Solutions, Inc" by its founders Rory and Patti Rawlings.History
Avalara, Inc. of Bainbridge Island, WA, was founded in 1999 with the goal to provide a fast, easy and accurate method to calculate sales and use taxes. Avalara’s "suite" of Web-based integrated on-demand sales tax software applications is designed for small and mid-sized companies (SMB’s).
Avalara’s web-hosted sales tax management services include integrations with many accounting software applications including
Sage Software - SageMAS 90 , SageMAS 200 , SageMAS 500 , SageAccpac ERP ,Microsoft Dynamics GP ,Microsoft Dynamics NAV ,Microsoft Dynamics AX ,Epicor Enterprise ,Vantage , andCRS products as well as Intuit'sQuickbooks andeBay Prostores.In addition to connectors/integrations, Avalara has software development kits (
SDK ) available for integration into eCommerce applications such aseBay ProStores.In 1999, Rory Rawlings and his wife Patti founded Advantage Solutions, Inc. (now called Avalara), which focused on middle tier
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions. Rory discovered numerous clients were faced with extensive sales tax requirements and no affordable and easy to implement solution available to them. Leveraging his previous experience and work, Mr. Rawlings wrote his third North American sales tax calculation engine giving rise the beginning of Avalara, Inc.On May 5, 2006 the group overseeing implementation of
Streamlined Sales Tax Project , now in force in 22 states – named Avalara, as one of just three firms selected to operate asCertified Service Providers for the program.Avalara, Inc. has grown to approximately 80 employees and has offices in Washington, Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, Maine, and Texas. Avalara also has offices in India and Canada.
Avalara released AvaTax Connect as its base service. As a web-service-based sales tax management solution, AvaTax Connect runs behind the scenes of many accounting and
eCommerce applications to automate the sales tax compliance function for businesses - from jurisdiction research and rate calculation to reporting and returns.ervices
Avalara believes it is a service provider not just a software development company. There is a large network of
value-added resellers (VAR ’s) who sell and implement Avalara’s products.tTeam =* Jared Vogt - Chairman of the Board CEO
* Rory Rawlings - Chief Tax Automation Officer, Founder
* Scott McFarlane - President
* Marshal Kushniruk - Executive VP of Strategic Accounts & Customer Experience
* Ranjit Mulgaonkar - VP Product Management & Business Development
* Mark Withers - VP Product Development
* Jason Warren - VP of Strategic Accounts
* Pat Falle - VP of SalesMajor acquisitions
* 2007 - TrustFile (Baton Rouge, La, USA)
* 2008See also
Comparison of accounting software
*Web application
*Sales Tax Management Services References
* http://www.sage.com/news.php?id=380
* http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070815/20070815005581.html?.v=1
* http://www.cpatechnologyadvisor.com/print/The-CPA-Technology-Advisor/2007-Review-of-Document-Management-Systems/1$1636
* http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jul2006/sb20060706_953608.htm?chan=smallbiz_smallbiz+index+page_technology+
* http://streamlinedsalestax.org/certified%20service%20provider.htm
* http://www.webcpa.com/article.cfm?articleid=24734&pg=inviews
* http://www.streamlinedsalestaxproject.org
* http://news.thomasnet.com/fullstory/522290/3280
* http://www.crn.com/software/164303565
* http://www.cpatechnologyadvisor.com/print/The-CPA-Technology-Advisor/Review-of-Sales-and-Use-Tax-Systems----2006/1$1202
* http://www.sagemas.com/products/sagemas90_mas200/CoreAccounting/sales_tax_automation/
* http://www.sagemas.com/products/sagemas500/accounting/sales_tax_automation/
* http://www.sagemas.com/pdf/MAS_500_Avatax_Spec.pdf
* http://www.sagemas.com/pdf/MAS_90_200_Avatax_Spec.pdf
* http://www.epicor.com/www/Company/MediaCenter/PressDetail.htm?id={B89FCE14-265B-4741-8B6B-6372C123318B}
* http://www.sagesoftware.com/newsroom/news/index.cfm/fuseaction/news.detail/id/882
* http://www.blytheco.com/enhance/avatax_connect.asp
* http://www.mbsg.net/products.asp?id=avatax
* http://www.compudata.com/Docs/article_37.asp
* http://www.axisaccounting.com/products.html
* http://www.rbsolutions.com/partners.html
* http://www.hightowerinc.com/marketing/edge/2007/July/edge0707.pdf
* http://www.prweb.com/releases/20051600/3/prwebxml221447.php
* http://www.wsa.org/pages/people/people_findamember_detail.asp?id=237985
* http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/3/prweb510814.htm
* http://www.accountingsoftware411.com/SoftwareDirectory/vendorview.aspx?vid=Avala94404v
* http://www.stf.com/stf/STF_Avalara_Release.pdf
* http://www.sleeter.com/articles/1139867330
* http://www.nodus.com/credit_card_advantage_with_avatax.html
* http://www.integritymbs.com/aboutus/company.htm
* http://www.solutionsbybc.com/Products/CoreAccounting/AR1010AvalaraAvaTaxConnectIntegration/tabid/115/Default.aspx
* http://www.sbtechnologymagazine.org/magazine/read/archives/articles/article.php?ProposalOnlineID=697External links
* [http://www.avalara.com/ Avalara company page]
* [http://www.cpatechnologyadvisor.com/print/The-CPA-Technology-Advisor/Review-of-Sales-and-Use-Tax-Systems----2006/1$1202 2006 CPA Technology Review of Avalara’s AvaTax Connect] .
* [http://www.entrepreneur.com/magazine/entrepreneur/2006/november/169056.html Avalara announced as Certified Service Provider for Streamlined Sales Tax Project]
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