1963 in radio

1963 in radio

The year 1963 in radio involved some significant events.__TOC__


* American automobile companies — including General Motors, Chrysler Corporation and Ford Motor Company — expand the availability of FM-compatible radios as optional equipment on most of their full-sized lines.
* November 22 - On the ABC Radio network, newscaster Don Gardiner interrupts the song "Hooray for Hollywood" by Doris Day to announce that shots have been fired at the motorcade of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. This is the first national broadcast bulletin of the news of the shooting. Following Kennedy's death, many radio and TV stations suspend their normal programming for continuous news coverage through November 25, the day of Kennedy's funeral.


* October 31 - Detroit gets a new Top 40 radio station as WKNR-AM, "Keener 13," is born. Within months, the former WKMH overcomes a poor signal to become the number one station in the market, and "Keener" is called the "miracle baby" of the industry by record reporter Bill Gavin.



* June 26 - Michael Baisden, author, motivational speaker, radio and television talk show host.
* July 20 - Dino, American DJ, singer, songwriter and music producer.
* July 31 - Chad Brock, American country music artist, former WCW professional wrestler and WQYK-FM morning host.
* November 1 - David Anderson, African American disc jockey and digital artist.
* December 5 - Doctor Dré, African American radio personality and former MTV VJ.


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