

The principle of postliminium, as a part of public international law, is a specific version of the maxim ex injuria jus non oritur, providing for the invalidity of all illegitimate acts that an occupant may have performed on a given territory after its recapture by the legitimate sovereign. Therefore, if the occupant has appropriated and sold public or private property as may not legitimately be appropriated by a military occupant, the original owner may reclaim that property without payment of compensation [Lauterpacht, H., Oppenheim's International Law, Vol. II, pp. 616-620] . It derives from the "jus posiliminii", of Roman law.


External links

* [ Grotius: On the Law of War and Peace: the Right of Postliminium]

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  • postliminium — POSTLIMÍNIUM s.n. (În dreptul roman) Redobândire retroactivă a drepturilor cetăţeneşti de către o persoană înstrăinată (prin captivitate, exil etc.), la înapoierea în patrie. [pron. ni um. / < lat. postliminium]. Trimis de LauraGellner,… …   Dicționar Român

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