- Institute of Social Sciencs Agra
The Institute of Social Sciences, Agra, is an Institute of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University (Formerly Agra University),
Agra ,India . The Institute is situated within the heart of the city at University campus. The Institute of Social Sciences came into existence in 1956 and was headed by luminaries as Prof.Desh Raj, Prof.B.P.Adhikari, Prof. D.D.Joshi (Later, Pro-Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, New Delhi) and Prof. V.K.Sethi. It has been approved by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, A.I.C.T.E, and the U.P. Government. Prof Diwakar Khare is the Directior of the Institute now a days.The Institute of Social Sciences is also popularly known as ISS among the Agra University students. Currently the Institute is running three departments from the time of its establishment.
Department of Statistics
Department Of Socialwork
Department of Sociology
Department of Statistics
The Department of Statistics is one of the oldest departments of Statistics in India. It was established in 1956 under the headship of eminent statistician and sampling expert Prof. Deshraj. The department is widely known on account of research work on sample survey, design of experiment, information theory etc. The contribution of Prof. Deshraj and Prof. V.K. Shethi in the field of sample survey and of Prof. D.D.Joshi's in Design of Experiment was so profound that it attracted worldwide attention among the academicians and was included in the syllabi of almost of all the universities of India as well as abroad. The department was started with the introduction of M.Stat course in 1956. M.Stat course includes papers of pure
Statistics , Applied Statistics, Pure mathematics, and Operation research and computer science. The course Includes intensive project work that provides training of data collection, compilation, statistical analysis and report writing using advanced multivariate techniques of Statistics.In 1987 Deptt initiated M.Phil course in Statistics. This covers the areas of theoretical and applied Statistics at the specialization level. The department also offers Ph.D and D.Sc. programme in Statistics The main areas of research are sample surveys, design of experiment, statistical inference, Bayesian Inference, Population studies,
Biostatistics ,Econometric ,Data mining ,Operation research , marketing andbusiness Statistics . A large numbers of pass outs of the department are holding key posts in Govt. departments, private sectors, research institutes, Universities and Colleges in teaching profession in India as well as abroad.Pragrammes offered by department of statistics are as follows:
1.M.Stat (Masters in Statistics) Duration: 2 Years (4 Semesters)
2. M.Phil(Statistics) (Masters in Philosophy) Duration : 1 years (2 Semesters)
3. Ph.D (Statistics)
Admission Procedure for above courses starts in month of June every Year.
Department Of Socialwork
M.S.W (Masters In Social Work)Duration : 2 years (4 Semesters)
Department of Sociology
1.M.A(Sociology) Duration: 2 Years (4 Semesters)2. M.Phil(Sociology) Duration : 1 years (2 Demesters)3. Ph.D (Sociology)
Admission Procedure for above courses starts in month of June.]
Computer Laboratory and Library
Institute has computer facility for its students since the beginning of computer era. Students of the institute are trained on latest computer technology to meet the need of their research work. Students are also trained on various programming language according to their need. Social science students are encouraged to use various statistical techniques in their research through statistical software.The Library of Institute of Social Sciences has more than 30,000 books on Statistics, Computer science, sociology and social work. Some books are available with their first to most updated edition. Besides the ISS library, hundred of Statistics books are available in Central library of University.
"Prof. Diwakar Khare ", Director, I.S.S.
1. Prof. Diwaker Khare, Director & HOD 2. Dr.(Mrs.)Vineeta Singh, Reader
3. Dr.(Mrs.) Meenakshi Srivastava, Reader
4. Dr. Manoj Srivastava, Reader
Social Work
1. Dr.Mukul Srivastava, (HOD) Reader
2. Mr. Narendra Singh, Field Work Supervisor
3. Dr.R.K.Bharti,Reader
1. Prof. S. V. Pandey
2. Dr. Brajesh Chandra, Reader, HOD
3. Dr. Deepmala Srivastava, Reader
External links
1. India Statistical Institute, Kolkata [http://www.isical.ac.in] 2. Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi [http://www.iasri.res.in ]
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