Gaspar Núñez de Arce

Gaspar Núñez de Arce

Infobox Writer
name = Gaspar Núñez de Arce

caption =
birthdate = August 4, 1834
birthplace = Valladolid, Spain
deathdate = June 9, 1903
deathplace = Madrid, Spain
occupation = Politician, poet, playwright

Gaspar Núñez de Arce (1834 - 1903) was a Spanish poet, dramatist and statesman.

He was born at Valladolid, where he was educated for the priesthood. He had no vocation for the ecclesiastical state, plunged into literature, and produced a play entitled "Amor y Orgullo" which was acted at Toledo in 1849. To the displeasure of his father, an official in the post office, the youth refused to enter the seminary, and escaped to Madrid, where he obtained employment on the staff of "El Observador", a Liberal newspaper. He afterwards founded "El Bachiller Honduras", a journal in which he advocated a policy of Liberal concentration, and he attracted sufficient notice to justify his appointment as governor of Logrono, and his nomination as deputy for Valladolid in 1865.

He was imprisoned at Cáceres for his violent attacks on the reactionary ministry of Narvaez, acted as secretary to the revolutionary Junta of Catalonia when Isabella II was dethroned, and wrote the "Manifesto to the Nation" published by the provisional government on 26 October 1868. During the next few years he practically withdrew from political life till the restoration, when he attached himself to Sagasta's party. He served under Sagasta as minister for the colonies, the interior, the exchequer and education; but ill-health compelled him to resign on 27 July 1890, and henceforth he refused to take office again. He was elected to the Spanish Academy on the 8 January 1874 and was appointed a life-senator in 1886. He died at Madrid in February 1903.Núñez de Arce first came into notice as a dramatist, and he remained faithful to the stage for nearly a quarter of a century. In addition to three plays written in collaboration with Antonio Hurtado, he produced "¿Quien es el autor?" (1859), "La Cuenla del Zapatero" (1859), "¡Como se empeña un marido!" (1860), "Deudas de la honra" (1863), "Ni lanto ni tan poco" (1865), "Quien debe, paga" (1867) and "El haz de Una" (1872).

But Núñez de Arce's talent was more lyrical than dramatic, and his celebrity dates from the appearance of "Gritos del combate" (1875), a collection of poems exhorting Spaniards to lay aside domestic quarrels and to save their country from anarchy, more dangerous than a foreign foe. He maintained his position (in popular esteem) as the only possible rival of Campoamor by a series of philosophic, elegiac and symbolic poems: "Raimundo Lulio, Ultima Iamentacion de Lord Byron" (1879), "Un Idilio y una Elegia" (1879), "La Sclva oscura" (1879) and "La Visidn de Fray Martin" (1880). The old brilliance sets off the naturalistic observation of "La Pesca" (1884) and "La Maruja" (1886). The list of his works is completed by "Poemas cortos" (1895) and "ISursum cordal" (1900); "Herndn el lobo", published in "El Liberal" (January 23, 1881) and "Luzbel" remain unfinished. His strength lies in the graciousness of his vision, his sincerity and command of his instrument; his weakness derives from his divided sympathies, his moods of obvious sentiment and his rhetorical facility. But at his best, as in the "Gritos del combate", he is a master of virile music and patriotic doctrine.



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