- Bilbie family
The Bilbie family were bell founders and
clockmaker s based initially inChew Stoke ,Somerset and later atCullompton ,Devon in south-westEngland from the late 1600s to the early 1800s.Their importance to the local economy and in local history is commemorated by Bilbie Road in Chew Stoke and in the village sign.
Bell making
The Bilbie family produced more than 1,350 bells, which are hung in churches all over the
West Country . The oldest bell, cast in 1698, is still giving good service in St Andrews Church.Supplies of the
tin andcopper used to makeBell metal were probably obtained frombrass foundries inKelston andBristol . The metal was melted in a wood burning furnace to over convert|1500|C|F|0 and then poured into a mould made fromloam , or foundry mud, from theRiver Chew .Legend suggests the Bilbies were wild looking men with long hair who could scarcely read or write, who would never cast a bell except when it was full moon, midnight, and conditions perfectly still and it is suggested that the reason Chew Stoke has amazingly criss-cross roads is because a sort of bypass was constructed so that silence in making bells would not be disturbed by travellers on horseback or by carriages passing the foundry. [cite news |first=Jil |last=Bailey |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=Ring out the old, ring in the new |url=http://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/content/twm/RoundAbout/story.aspx?brand=Westonmercury&category=RoundAbout&tBrand=westonmercury&tCategory=zRoundAbout&itemid=WeED31%20Dec%202007%2012%3A31%3A50%3A197 |work=Weston Mercury |publisher= |date=2007-12-31 |accessdate=2008-01-01 ]
A selection of church bells they produced
Chew Stoke village sign depicting the Pack Horse Bridge, St Andrew's Church and a Bilbie Bell (and bell-foundry worker)]
* St. Nicholas,Abbotsbury [cite web |url=http://people.bath.ac.uk/lismd/dorset/churches/abbotsbury.html |title=Abbotsbury (St. Nicholas) |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Dorset Churches ]
* Church of St John,Axbridge [cite web |url=http://www.axbridge-tc.gov.uk/clubs/bellring.html |title=Axbridge Church Tower & Bell Ringing |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Axbridge ]
* St Michael and All Angels,Bampton
* St Andrews,Banwell
* St. George's,Beckington [cite web |url=http://www.beckington.org.uk/bellringing.htm |title=Activities at St. George's, Beckington |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Beckington Village ]
*St Mary Redcliffe ,Bristol [cite web |url=http://www.stmaryredcliffe.co.uk/bells.htm |title=The Bells |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol ]
* St Andrews Church Chew Stoke
* All Saints Church,Corston [cite web |url=http://www.allsaintscorston.org.uk/History.htm |title=All Saints Church |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Corston Village ]
* St Andrews,Cullompton
* St John the Baptist Parish Church,Glastonbury [cite web |url=http://www.glastonbury.gov.uk/g_gov/mod.php?mod=userpage&menu=450001&page_id=123 |title=Bells at St John the Baptist Parish Church |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Glastonbury Town Council ]
* St Giles Church,Leigh on Mendip . [cite web |url=http://www.leigh-on-mendip.org.uk/orgs/church/church.htm |title=St Giles Church |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Leigh upon Mendip ]
* Church of St. John the Baptist,Lustleigh
* Parish Church of Marwood, North Devon [cite web |url=http://www.marwoodparish.org.uk/html/bells.html |title=Bells |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Parish Church of Marwood, North Devon ]
* St Margaret's,Northam ,Devon [cite web |url=http://genuki.cs.ncl.ac.uk/DEV/Northam/NorthamChurch.html |title=The Parish Church of Northam |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=GENUKI ]
*Sherborne Abbey [cite web |url=http://web.ukonline.co.uk/sherborneringers/Bells.htm |title=The Bells |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Sherborne Company of Ringers ]
* Old Church,Uphill ,Somerset [cite web |url=http://www.uphillvillage.org.uk/Churches.htm |title=Churches |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Uphill Village ]
* All Saints,Wraxall [cite web |url=http://www.wraxallwithfailand.org.uk/bells.htm |title=Bellringing at All Saints Wraxall |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Parish of Wraxall with Failand ]
* All Saints,Wrington [cite web |url=http://www.wringtonsomerset.org.uk/allsaints/ashist3.htm |title=A History of the Church |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Wrington Village ]
* St John the Baptist,Yeovil [cite web |url=http://www.hibberts.co.uk/collect/yeovil.htm |title=Yeovil, Somerset, St John the Baptist,|accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=The sound of Bells ]
* Church of St Peter,Zeal Monachorum [cite web |url=http://www.zealbellappeal.co.uk/index.html |title=Zeal Monachorum Bell Appeal |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Zeal Bell Appeal ]Clock making
Edward Bilbie is thought to have learnt the clockmaking trade from Edward Webb, who died in 1694. Bilbie started casting bells in 1698, and it is highly probable that he was making clocks by this time. [cite web |url=http://www.dnfa.com/bristol/search.asp?view=lotno&auction=20080&lotno=422&uniqueid=319107-1 |title=lot no 422 |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Dreweatt Neate ]
Around this time
Bristol was one of the most important centres for clock making outsideLondon . This was in part due to the strongbrass founding industry which had developed in response to a healthy export demand and the abundant supply of the raw materials copper and zinc in the West. In the late 17th century the clock making industry thrived in theChew Valley ofSomerset thanks to Thomas Veale, Edward Webb and Edward Bilbie, whose clock making was conducted alongside their bell-founding work. Such a concentrated effort resulted in a distinctive local style oflantern clock .Their clocks date from 1724 and are highly prized. They produced mostly
longcase clock s, the cheapest with 30-hour movements in modestoak cases, but they also made high quality eight-day movements with additional features such as including the high tide at Bristol docks. These were fitted into quality cabinet maker cases that now command the highest prices.cite web | title=Bilbie - Bell founders and clockmakers | work=Troyte Ringing Centre | url=http://www.troyteringingcentre.org.uk/bampton_bells.htm | accessdate=2006-11-05]Family members
Several generations of the family were involved in the business.
Edward Bilbie I (1666 - 1724)
It is not known how Edward Bilbie learnt to cast bells, but it is clear that he cast his first bell in 1698 for the St Andrews Church in Chew Stoke. In the period from 1698 and 1723 Edward Bilbie was responsible for the casting of 67 bells for churches all over
Somerset .cite book | author = Moore, J. Rice, R. and Hucker, E. | year = 1995 | title = Bilbie and the Chew Valley clockmakers : the story of the renowned family of Somerset bellfounder-clockmakers /Clockmakers | publisher=The authors | isbn=0952670208 ]Edward Bilbie II (1694 - 1726)
The eldest son of Edward I learnt bell making from his father, but died only a few months after him and never had the chance to produce his own work.
Thomas Bilbie (1702 - 1778)
Edward I's younger son Thomas took over the bell and clock making businesses in 1725 completing contracts already agreed, and traveling further for new ones. One of his largest commissions was for the "Great Bell" at
Yeovil which was recast from convert|4502|lb|kg st|lk=on| to convert|4992|lb|kg st|abbr=on. In 1742 he gained a contract to cast beels for the church atCullompton ,Devon and, in 1746, set up a bell making foundry there known as the "West of England Church Bellfoundry" so that he could expand the business south and west of Somerset, and reduce the transportation problems from the original foundry.cite web |url=http://www.cullompton.org/st-andrews-church-bells.html |title=St Andrews Church Bells |accessdate=2007-07-22 |format= |work=Cullompton village web site ] Between 1725 and 1768 he was responsible for 350 bells in churches in Somerset, Devon, Bristol,Dorset andGloucestershire , with one in atCaernarfon inWales .Edward Bilbie 1716 - 1786
Thomas Bilbie II of Cullompton (1727 - 1780)
Following his father Thomas's creation of the second foundry in Cullompton, Thomas II or Thomas Bilbie Junior cast bells for most of the churches in Devon providing a total of 237 between 1754 and 1780.
Abraham Bilbie (1729 - 1773)
Abraham took over the business in Chew Stoke from his father Thomas for five years, during which time he was responsible for 35 bells including peals of six for
South Wraxall ,Winscombe andPortishead .William Bilbie (1730 - 1789)
William was the third son of Thomas and was in charge of the Chew Stoke foundry from 1775-1790 during which time he produced 79 bells.
John Bilbie of Axbridge (1736 - 1767)
Edward Bilbie IV (1766 - 1796)
Thomas Webb Bilbie (1768 - 1829) and James Fear Bilbie (1768 - 1820)
Thomas and James were unable to adapt the business and compete with increasing competition and the Chew Stoke bell foundry declined, casting 25 bells between 1791 and 1811.
Thomas Castleman Bilbie of Cullompton (1769 - 1813)
Thomas Castleman Bilbie was the fourth generation of bellfounders and continued the business in Cullompton casting 198 bells between 1781 and 1814.
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