- Le Travail Movement
The Le Travail Movement was an anti-French-
colonialism movement led by theintellectuals ofVietnam in 1936 by means of "Le Travail" newspaper. The movement lasted only 7 months, from Sept 1936 to April 1937. However, many participants of this movement went on to fulfil their historical oaths and some had actually written the Vietnamese history during this phase.Background
In the last decade of the 19th century,
France was having a lot ofsocial problems . From 1890 to 1914,vagabonds were banished to colonial prisons, unemployed people and labouring poor and rural migrants to cities were an overwhelming problems. Many importantsocial reforms were introduced and was appreciated by the French, among them were thesocialist andcommunist parties. [ European History Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2, 147-184 (2000) © 2000 SAGE Publications - The Plight of the Able-bodied Poor and the Unemployed in Urban France, 1880-1914 - Timothy B. Smith - Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario ]In 1936, the French communist party and socialist party became the two among the
Front Populaire .Vo Nguyen Giap , then was a student of thelycée Albert Sarraut inHanoi , NorthVietnam , viewed this as an opportunity to use it as a political tool for the Vietnamese anticolonialist-movement. Currey, Cecil B., "Senior General Vo Nguyên Giap remembers", "Journal of Third World Studies", Fall 2003. Page 1.]"Le Travail" was a
socialist newspaper written in French published by the students of theLycée Albert Sarraut inHanoi , NorthVietnam , during the French colonial period. The first issue was published on September 16th, 1936.Vo Nguyen Giap was the editor in chief.Trường Chinh joined in when he was released from jail late 1936. By then Truong Chinh had been a longtime member of thePolitburo and acommunist functionary. Soon thereafterPham Van Dong also came to work at Le Travail [Dong was also aPolitburo member and long timecommunist functionary] .Vo Nguyên Giap stated that the paper had to be written in French to get around the colonial administrative difficulties.
How the paper was born
Apparently, Vo Nguyên Giap had tried to publish another paper few months earlier under the name "Hon Tre Tap Moi [Soul of Youth, new edition] " in Vietnamese, to fight for
democracy , to claimamnesty forpolitical prisoners , and to approve of the French Front Populaire.Vo Nguyên Giap had found out from a news bulletin that in May 1936, the French "Front Populaire" composed of ten political organizations, among them the
communist andsocialist parties, forming the nucleus of the Front, had won general elections.Vo Nguyên Giap, then was preoccupied with how to fight the anticolonialist war, immediately thought of taking advantage of this situation for his movement. The news paper was used as a political tool.
"Hon Tre Tap Moi" was practically the first newspaper in Vietnam to promote democracy, and demand amnesty for the political prisoners. It was published on June 6th, 1936, two days after Leon Blum, then the new French prime minister came to power. The paper was a success until the French closed it down on the fifth issue.
To get around the problems, Vo Nguyên Giap had decided to publish a newspaper in French. Thus "Le Travail" was born on September 16th, 1936. Vo Nguyên Giap became the editor in chief.
Truong Chinh joined in when he was released from jail in late 1936. [Chinh was already a longtime member of thePolitburo and a communist functionary] . Soon thereafterPham van Dong also came to work at Le Travail [Dong was also aPolitburo member and long timecommunist functionary] .Life of Le Travail
Many students from Albert Sarraut joined in without much knowledge about
communism , includingHoàng Văn Chí .On 16th April 1937 the French Resident ordered stopping all publication of Le Travail. By then thirty issues of the paper had been published over 7 months of its whole existence.
External links
1. [http://ehq.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/30/2/147 European History Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2, 147-184 (2000) © 2000 SAGE Publications - The Plight of the Able-bodied Poor and the Unemployed in Urban France, 1880-1914 - Timothy B. Smith - Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario]
2. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3821/is_200310/ai_n9337860/pg_6 Journal of Third World Studies, Fall 2003 by Currey, Cecil B - Senior General Vo Nguyên Giap remembers.]
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