À ton image

À ton image

Infobox Film
name = À ton image

caption =
director = Aruna Villiers
writer = Louise Lambrichs (book),
Aruna Villiers
starring = Nastassja Kinski,
Christopher Lambert
Audrey DeWilder
Andrzej Seweryn
Francine Bergé
producer = Virginie Silla
distributor = EuropaCorp.
budget = ~ €7,800,000
released = 26 May 2004 (France)
runtime = 94 minutes
language = French
imdb_id = 0307343
"À ton image" is a 2004 French film directed by Aruna Villiers. The story, based on the novel "À ton image" by Louise L. Lambrichs, is about a couple whose desire for a child leads them onto dangerous ground.


In order to put a painful past and a terrible sense of guilt behind her, a sterile young woman named Mathilde (played by Nastassja Kinski) uses extreme cloning methods to give birth to Manon (Audrey DeWilder), and is comforted by her obstetrician husband Thomas (Christopher Lambert). The child’s growth is abnormally rapid and she becomes the spitting image of her mother. Gradually, the relation between them evolves in an odd manner as Manon takes over her mother’s role in the family.

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*imdb title|id=0307343|title=À ton image

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