Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)
Virus classification
Group: IV: (+)sense RNA Viruses
Genus: Tobamovirus
Species: Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
tobacco mosaic virus watermelon strainW
cucumber virus 3
cucumber virus 4
bottlegourd Indian mosaic virus
cucumis virus 2

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a plant pathogenic virus.

In Europe this virus disease is found since 19651975. Watermelon and melon are also susceptible to this virus. Symptoms: The virus affects the young leaves with green and light green spots, even yellow-green spots. These spots have a slower development rate than the rest of the leaf. Sometimes the veins remain green. In heavy infection young leaves are even deformed. The activity of the virus is reduced when the leaf ages. Fruit drop (abortion) is common. The rest of the fruits are small. Yield is reduced by 25 % even more if no control action are taken into account. In the epidermis of the sick plants characteristic structures can be seen easily with a microscope.

Virus ID: Tobamovirus group. Temperature inactivation in juice 90 °C Transition: seed 810% from the beginning which is enough to star the silent infection. Aphids and other sucking insects do not transmit the virus. In hydroponic the virus could spread out to up to 80% of the crop because the roots are touching.

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