

Infobox German Location
Name = Kruchten
German_name =
Art =
image_photo =
imagesize =
image_caption =
Wappen = Wappen Kruchten.pngWappengröße =
lat_deg = 49 | lat_min = 53 | lat_sec = 57.29
lon_deg = 6 | lon_min = 18 | lon_sec = 53.22
Lageplan = kruchten_neuerburg.pngLageplanbeschreibung = Location of Kruchten in the "Verbandsgemeinde" Neuerburg
Bundesland = Rheinland-Pfalz
Landkreis = Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm
Verbandsgemeinde = Neuerburg
Höhe = 323
Fläche = 5.38
Einwohner = 397
Stand = 2006-06-30
PLZ = 54675
PLZ-alt =
Vorwahl = 06566, 06526
Kfz = BIT
Gemeindeschlüssel = 07 2 32 069
Gliederung =
Adresse-Verband = Pestalozzistraße 7
54673 Neuerburg
Website =
Bürgermeister = Hermann Jakobi
Bürgermeistertitel = Ortsbürgermeister
Partei =

Kruchten is a municipality in the district of Bitburg-Prüm, in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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