- Glasswort
The common name Glasswort came into use in the 16th Century to describe plants growing in England whose ashes could be used for making soda-based (as opposed to
potash -based)glass . ["Definition of "glasswort"," "Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition" (Oxford University Press, 1989). Definition retrieved from [http://www.oed.com online edition] (subscription required) July 20, 2007.] Turner, William (1995). "A New Herball: Parts II and III", edited by George T. L. Chapman, Frank McCombie, and Anne U. Wesencraft (Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0521445498). This book contains a facsimile of Turner's original 1562 and 1568 volumes, along with an edited transcript. The transcript of Turner's article on Kali (p. 673) includes the sentence "Kali, as I do remember, hath no name in English, and although it be very plenteous in England, yet I never could meet with any man that knew it. But lest this herb should be without a name, it may be called Saltwurt, because it is salt in taste, and Salalkali is made thereof. It may also be called Glas Wede, because the ashes of it serve to make glass."] The glassworts are succulent, annual "halophytes ", or plants that thrive insaline environments, such as seacoasts andsalt marshes . While the original English glasswort plants belong to thegenus "Salicornia ", the term has been extended over the years to halophyte plants from several genera, some of which are native to continents unknown to the medieval English, and growing in ecosystems such asmangrove swamps never envisioned when the term glasswort was coined.The ashes of glasswort plants, and also of their Mediterranean counterpart
saltwort plants, yieldsoda ash , which is an important ingredient for glassmaking and soapmaking. Soda ash is analkali whose active ingredient is now known to besodium carbonate . Glasswort and saltwort plants sequester the sodium that they absorb from salt water into their tissues (see "Salsola soda "). Ashing of the plants converts some of this sodium into sodium carbonate (or "soda ," in one of the old uses of the term). The sodium carbonate can be purified by washing ("lixiviating") the ashes and boiling the solution dry.The appearance of the word "glasswort" in English during the 16th Century is reasonably contemporaneous with a 16th Century resurgence in English glassmaking, which had suffered a long decline after Roman times. [Engle, Anita (1977). "Readings in Glass History: No. 8" (Phoenix Press, Jerusalem, ASIN B0007BPWYG). Quoted in [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0040-165X%28197807%2919%3A3%3C548%3ARIGHN8%3E2.0.CO%3B2-N review] by Haden, H. J. (1973). "Technology and Culture", Vol. 19, No. 3 pp. 548–550.] [Kurinsky, Samuel (1991). "The Glassmakers: Odyssey of the Jews" (Hippocrene Books, ISBN 978-0870529016). See also the [http://www.hebrewhistory.info/factpapers.htm web version] , retrieved July 31, 2007.] This resurgence was led by glassmakers who emigrated to England from Lorraine and from
Venice . The Lorraine glassmakers brought with them the technology of "Waldglas", the greenish glass that utilizedpotash from wood ashes as a flux. TheVenetian glass makers brought with them the technology ofcristallo , the immaculately clear glass that usedsoda ash as a flux. These glassmakers would have recognized "Salicornia europaea" growing in England as a source for soda ash. Prior to their arrival, it was said that the plant "hath no name in English."By the 18th century,
Spain had an enormous industry producing soda ash from saltworts; the soda ash from this source was known asbarilla . [Pérez, Joaquín Fernández (1998). [http://www.webcitation.org/5W0IroD9s "From the barrilla to the Solvay factory in Torrelavega: The Manufacture of Saltwort in Spain,"] "Antilia: The Spanish Journal of History of Natural Sciences and Technology," Vol. IV, Art. 1. ISSN: 1136-2049. Archived at WebCite from [http://www.ucm.es/info/antilia/revista/vol4-en/ant4-1-en.htm this original URL] on 2008-03-01.]Scotland had a large 18th century industry producing soda ash from seaweed. The soda ash from this source was known askelp . This industry was so lucrative that it led to overpopulation in theWestern Isles of Scotland, and one estimate is that 100,000 people were occupied with "kelping" during the summer months. [Clow, Archibald and Clow, Nan L. (1952). "Chemical Revolution," (Ayer Co Pub, June 1952), pp. 65–90. ISBN 0-8369-1909-2.] In the same period, soda ash ("la soude de Narbonne") was produced in quantity from glasswort proper aroundNarbonne , France. [Pereira, Jonathan (1842). "Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Vol. I" (Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London), p. 551. Pereira indicates that "soude de Narbonne" was obtained from "Salicornia herbacea", and had an alkali content of 14-15%. Online version at http://books.google.com/] [Fremy, Edmond (1883). "Encyclopédie Chimique: Tome V, Application de Chimique Inorganique" (Dunod, Paris), p. 548. [http://books.google.com/books?id=saQAAAAAMAAJ Online version] retrieved July 21, 2007.] The commercialization of theLeblanc process for synthesizing sodium carbonate (from salt,limestone , andsulfuric acid ) brought an end to the era of farming for soda ash in the first half of the 19th century.Glasswort Species
Plants that have been called glassworts include:
*Species in thegenus "Salicornia " (glasswort or jointed glasswort): "Salicornia europaea " (common glasswort), "S. bigelovii" (dwarf glasswort), "S. virginica" (American, Virginia or woody glasswort), "S. maritima" (slender glasswort), "S. ramosissima" (purple glasswort).
*"Arthrocnemum subterminale " (Parish's glasswort).
*"Eriogonum salicornioides " (glasswort buckwheat).
*"Tecticornia ": "Tecticornia arbuscula " (shrubby glasswort) "T. flabelliformis" (bead glasswort) and "T. pergranulata" (blackseed glasswort).
*"Salsola kali " (prickly glasswort).
*"Sarcocornia ": "Sarcocornia blackiana " (thick-head glasswort), "S. pacifica" (Pacific glasswort), "S. perennis" (perennial glasswort), and "S. quinqueflora" (beaded glasswort).References
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