Infobox OS
name = RISC/os

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developer = MIPS Computer Systems, Inc.
source_model =
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supported_platforms = MIPS architecture
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family = Unix-like
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latest_test_date =
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programmed_in =
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updatemodel =
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RISC/os was a UNIX operating system distributed by MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. during the 1980s and 1990s for use with their computer workstations and servers, such as the M/120 server or MIPS Magnum workstation. It was also sometimes referred to as UMIPS.

RISC/os was based largely on UNIX System V with additions from 4.3BSD UNIX, ported to the MIPS architecture. The RISC/os user environment could be configured for compatibility with either System V Release 3, 4.3BSD, or (in later versions) System V Release 4.

Because of this early UNIX heritage, RISC/os was limited in comparison to modern UNIX variants — for example, even the last releases of RISC/os did not support shared librariesFact|date=July 2008.

After the acquisition of MIPS Computer Systems by Silicon Graphics in 1992, MIPS' own workstation and server product lines were phased out, and with them, RISC/os.

ee also

*Timeline of operating systems


* [http://ryan.tliquest.net/sgi/irix_versions.html#MIPS History of IRIX, by Ryan Thoryk]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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