- Vergilius Augusteus
The Vergilius Augusteus is a manuscript from late antiquity, containing the works of the Roman author
Virgil , written probably around the4th century . There are two other collections of Virgil manuscripts, theVergilius Vaticanus and theVergilius Romanus . They are early examples ofilluminated manuscript s; the Augusteus is not illuminated but has decorated initial letters at the top of each page. These letters do not mark divisions of the text, but rather are used at the beginning of whatever line happened to fall at the top of the page. These decorated initials are the earliest surviving such initials.Only seven leaves of the manuscript survives, four of which are in the
Vatican Library (MS 3256), and the remaining three in theStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Lat. fol. 416). The leaves contain fragments of Virgil'sGeorgics and theAeneid . The fragments themselves are unremarkable, but they are written inRoman square capitals , which shows that square capitals were used in handwriting and not only for stoneinscription s.Due to its great age, it was originally believed that the manuscript was written in the time of
Roman emperor Caesar Augustus , hence its name. In the laterMiddle Ages the manuscript was kept in the abbey ofSt. Denis inParis .References
*Alexander, J. J. G.: "The Decorated Letter". New York, 1978.
*Carl Nordenfalk: "Vergilius Augusteus. Vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe, Codex Vaticanus latinus 3256 d. Bibl. Apostol. Vaticana u. Codex latinus fol. 416 d. Staatsbibl. Preuss. Kulturbesitz". Graz 1976 (Codices selecti phototypice impressi, 56)
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