- Iranian frigate Moudge I
The Iranian frigate "Moudge 1", alternately spelled Mowaj 1, Mowj 1 or Moj 1 (meaning Wave 1) is the first frigate made in Iran and is the lead ship of the
Moudge class . [Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting News Network . [http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=198880 Iran to launch home made destroyers] .October 2 ,2002 .] The Moudge class appears to be a development of theAlvand class (British Saam class). It is described as aDestroyer by the Iranian state media, however size and weight of the ship is more in keeping with that of a modern frigate. Because of the 1,400 ton weight, the ship is also referred to as acorvette as it is on the lower end of frigate tonnage. there are no Images of the ship available except for a publicity photo of a model. [ [http://www.irandefence.net/gallery/data/500/82_big.jpgPublicity photo of a model of the Moudge I] ] However,Google Earth users have claimed to identify the ship inBandar Abbas . It is seen there under construction but it is in service now.Google Earth Identifies the Mowj [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/download.php?Number=461703&t=k&om=1] .]The Moudge I might be the same ship as the
Iranian destroyer Jamaran , which entered service28 November 2007 .ee also
Moudge II Jamaran Destroyer References
External links
* [http://www.irandefence.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=5019 Picture of Jamaran, possibly Moudge I]
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