Recall bias

Recall bias

In psychology, recall bias (or reporting bias) is a type of systematic bias which occurs when the way a survey respondent answers a question is affected not just by the correct answer, but also by the respondent's memory. [ [] ] [ [ Pesticide Use During the Gulf War: A Survey of Gulf War Veterans] , Donald D. Fricker, Jr., Elaine Reardon, Dalia M. Spektor, Sarah K. Cotton, Jennifer Hawes-Dawson, Jennifer E. Pace, Susan D. Hosek, 2000. [ Appendix D: Evaluating Recall Bias] ] This can affect the results of the survey. As a hypothetical example, suppose that a survey in 2005 asked respondents whether they believed that O.J. Simpson had killed his wife, 10 years after the criminal trial. Respondents who believed him innocent might be more likely to have forgotten about the case, and therefore to state no opinion, than respondents who thought him guilty. If this is the case, then the survey would find a higher-than-accurate proportion of people who believed that Simpson did kill his wife.

Relatedly but distinctly, the term might also be used to describe an instance where a survey respondent "intentionally" responds incorrectly to a question about their personal history which results in response bias. As a hypothetical example, suppose that a researcher conducts a survey among women of group A, asking whether they have had an abortion, and the same survey among women of group B.

If the results are different between the two groups, it might be that women of one group are less likely to have had an abortion, "or" it might simply be that women of one group who have had abortions are less likely to "admit" to it. If the latter is the case, then this would skew the survey results; this is a kind of response bias. (It is also possible that both are the case: women of one group are less likely to have had abortions, "and" women of one group who have had abortions are less likely to admit to it. This would still affect the survey statistics.)


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