B tuning

B tuning

B Tuning or B Standard Tuning is the standard tuning for a seven string guitar, where the strings are tuned B-E-A-D-G-B-E. B tuning can also be achieved on a six string guitar, when the strings are tuned B-E-A-D-F#-B, known then as Baritone Tuning. This tuning is popular among sludge/metal bands.


ix-String Version

Here are some bands who used this tuning on a six string guitar:

*The Absence
*Amon Amarth
*Arch Enemy (Albums Black Earth, Stigmata and Burning Bridges)
*At The Gates
*Blood Red Throne (Album "Altered Genesis")
*Bolt Thrower
*Bring Me The Horizon
*Chevelle (On several songs from This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In) and almost all songs on Vena Sera)
*Demon Hunter
*Despised Icon
*el gato
*Electric Wizard
*I Killed The Prom Queen
*Iron Monkey
*MyChildren MyBride
*The Project Hate MCMXCIX
* 3D House Of Beef
*Type O Negative
*Torture Division

even-String Version

Here are some bands who used this tuning on a seven string guitar:
*Dream Theater - John Petrucci
*Morbid Angel
*Steve Vai
*Fear Factory
*Linkin Park (On the songs "With You" & "Runaway")
*Lacuna Coil (On the album Karmacode)
*Zero Hour
*All Shall Perish
*Cannibal Corpse

ee also

*List of guitar tunings
*Guitar tuning
*Dropped B

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