- Zhuang studies
= Headline text =
Zhuang studies is an intellectual category used by research universities around the world as a way of bringing together specialists from different disciplines such as
history ,anthropology ,religious ,political science , language, literature of Zhuang people. Majority of research are currently being carried out in thePeople's Republic of China .Headline text
* 金丽:《壮族历史与文化导论》(英文版),北京:民族出版社,2007年. Jin Li: Zhuang History and Culture: An Introductory Study - (Beijing, The Ethnic Publishing House, 2007). Note: This book is written in English by Professor Jin Li of Guangxi University for Nationalities. It is addressed to two groups of readers for two different purposes. First, it is hoped that Chinese students whose majors are related to Zhuang studies would by reading this book be exposed to academic writing in English on relevant subjects. Second, it may be benefical to English-speaking people who have an interest to the Zhuang, their history and their culture.
* Zhāng Yuánshēng 张元生: Zhuàngzú rénmín de wénhuà yíchǎn – fāngkuài Zhuàngzì 壮族人民的文化遗产——方块壮字. In: Zhōngguó mínzú gǔ wénzì yánjiū 中国民族古文字研究 (Beijing, Zhōngguó shèhuì kēxué chūbǎnshè 中国社会科学出版社 1984).
* Lín Fāng 林方: Tán lìyòng gǔ Zhuàngzì yánjiū Guǎngxī Yuèyǔ fāngyán 谈利用古壮字研究广西粤语方言. In: Mínzú yǔwén 民族语文 2004.3:16–26.
* [http://mcel.pacificu.edu/as/resources/zhuang/index.html The Zhuang: A Longitudinal Study of Their History and Their Culture] , by Jeffrey Barlow
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.