Sierra Estrella

Sierra Estrella

name = Sierra Estrella
native_name = Komatke
other_name = Estrella Mountains
category =
etymology = "sierra estrella", Spanish for Star Range

image_caption = Estrella Mountains from Laveen, January 2004. Hayes Peak is on the right.
image_size = 250
country = United States
state = Arizona
region =
district =
municipality =
range =
border =
part =
city =
landmark =
river =
highest = Hayes Peak
highest_location = | highest_region = | highest_country =
highest_elevation_imperial = 4511
highest_lat_d = 33| highest_lat_m = 16| highest_lat_s = 25| highest_lat_NS = N
highest_long_d = 112| highest_long_m = 16| highest_long_s = 51| highest_long_EW = W
length_imperial = | length_orientation =
width_imperial = | width_orientation =
height_imperial =
area_imperial =
geology =
orogeny =
period =
footnotes =

The Sierra Estrella is a mountain range located southwest of Phoenix, Arizona. Much of the range falls within the Gila River Indian Reservation, but convert|11400|acre|km2|0 of BLM land is protected as the Sierra Estrella Wilderness.

The mountain range offers fantastic views and great weather. Visiting the Estrellas is ideal to escape the desert heat. On the highest peaks, temperatures are usually 8-12 degrees cooler than what is seen in the valley. Snow can be seen at least once or twice a year on the highest points of the mountain range (typically above 4,000 ft). Sometimes, the snow level can drop near 2,000 ft, but depends if the precipitation reaches the mountain range. A good example is during the month of March 2006, when a heavy storm system reached the state and lowered snow levels near 4,000 ft. Once the skies cleared next morning, snow covered the Estrella's mountain tops.


The major peaks of the Sierra Estrella are (NW to SE):

* Hayes Peak - named in honor of Ira Hayes, US Marine hero of the Pima Nation
* Montezuma Sleeping
* Butterfly Mountain
* Montezuma Peak
* Montezuma Head
* Quartz Peak

ee also

*List of mountain ranges of Arizona
*List of Arizona Wilderness Areas

External links

* [ The Old Spanish Gold Mine in the Sierra Estrellas]
* [ BLM Sierra Estrella Wilderness]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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