Juventus Ultras

Juventus Ultras

History of the Ultras groups related to Juventus Football Club.


The first real groups of Juventus Football Club supporters came in the middle of the seventies. The first two groups were called "Venceremos" and "Autonomia Bianconera" and both were on the left side in politics It Fr cite web|url=http://www.forza-juventus.com/supporters/histoire-ita.htm|title=History of Juventus Supporters Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=www.forza-juventus.com] . In 1976 the first two real organizated Ultras groups were founded, "Fossa dei Campioni" and "Panthers".fact|date=November 2007

One year later, the "Gruppo Storico Fighters" was founded by Beppe Rossi, who was the most important figure among the Juventus supporters It Fr cite web|url=http://www.forza-juventus.com/supporters/histoire-ita.htm|title=History of Juventus Supporters Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=www.forza-juventus.com] .

In the first years of the eighties other supporter groups were created: "Gioventù Bianconera", "Area Bianconera" and "Indians" were among them. Two extreme ultras were also founded during this period: "Viking" and "Nucleo Armato Bianconero" (N.A.B.) [The "Nucleo Armato Bianconero" (N.A.B.) has changed his name to "Nucleo 1985" as consequenze of the "Heysel disarter" on 29 May 1985. See also It cite web|url=http://www.nucleo1985.it/storia.htm|title=History of Nucleo 1985 Supporters Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=Nucleo 1985 Group Official Website] . These two groups really made themselves respected inside and outside of the stadium and were the only two Juventus Ultras groups who reminded of real hooligans.fact|date=November 2007 The reason is that they never feared fighting against other supporters.fact|date=November 2007 In 1987 the "Gruppo Storico Fighters" was dissolved as consequence of conflicts between Juve and Fiorentina fans in Florence It Fr cite web|url=http://www.forza-juventus.com/supporters/histoire-ita.htm|title=History of Juventus Supporters Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=www.forza-juventus.com] . A lot of old "Fighters" members together with members from other groups -as "Indians" and "Gioventù Bianconera"- decided to form a new group called "Arancia Meccanica", inspired by the popular Stanley Kubrick film, but a short time later they have changed the name to "Drughi" [According to the "A Clockwork Orange"’s plot, "Drughi" (Droogs) was the name in Italian language of the gang that the main character of the movie, Alexander De Large, was part.] . "Drughi" became the most important supporter group and had about 10,000 members between 1988 and 1996 It cite web|url=http://www.drughi.com/chisiamo.php|title=History of Drughi Ultras Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=Drughi Group Official Website] .

In 1993 some of the "Drughi" members who were old members of "Fighters" group decided to form this group again. In the next four years they fought with "Drughi", who then later became the leading groupfact|date=November 2007 in La "Curva Scirea" La Curva Sud of the Stadio Delle Alpi is known as La Curva Scirea in memory of Gaetano Scirea, former Juventus and Italian football team player. During the eighties the same curve, at the Stadio Olimpico di Torino (former Stadio Comunale) was called La Curva Filadelfia.] of the Stadio Delle Alpi and the result was that "Drughi" will hang their banner in the middle of "La Curva Scirea" while "Fighters" had to put their on right of them It cite web|url=http://www.drughi.com/chisiamo.php|title=History of Drughi Ultras Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=Drughi Group Official Website] .

In 1997 leader groups "Fighters" and "Drughi" together with other groups in "La Curva Scirea" La Curva Sud of the Stadio Delle Alpi is knowned as La Curva Scirea in memory of Gaetano Scirea, former Juventus and Italian football team player. During the eighties the same curve, at the Stadio Olimpico di Torino (former Stadio Comunale) was called La Curva Filadelfia.] decided to get together under the name "Black And White Fighters Gruppo Storico 1977" It Fr cite web|url=http://www.forza-juventus.com/supporters/histoire-ita.htm|title=History of Juventus Supporters’ Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=www.forza-juventus.com] .

In this period another big supporter group, "Irrudicibili Vallette", gained massive influence in the "Curva Nord" of the stadium. The group was created in 1990 by a group from the Turin neighbourhood Vallette. This group was placed in the "Curva Nord at the other end of the stadium from where "Fighters" are placed. In the beginning the group were very organized and in 1998 they replaced "Viking" and took over the leadership in the "Curva Nord", but after many problems "Irrudicibili" do not exist any more.

At the present, the "Curva Sud" of the Stadio Olimpico di Torino is the main area where the "Old Lady" organized supporters attends their home matches It cite web|url=http://www.lastampa.it/redazione/cmsSezioni/torino/200608articoli/8835girata.asp|title=The Curve’s War (a Juventus supporters’ map)|accessdate=2006-08-09|publisher=La Stampa Official Website] . They are composed by current supporters groups as "Drughi" -the leading group in La "Curva Sud" It cite web|url=http://www.lastampa.it/redazione/cmsSezioni/torino/200608articoli/8835girata.asp|title=The Curve’s War (a Juventus supporters’ map)|accessdate=2006-08-09|publisher=La Stampa Official Website] -, "Viking Juve", "Arditi", "Nucleo 1985", "06 Clan", "Noi Soli", "Gruppo Marche 1993" (also knowns as GM), "Bruxelles Bianconera" (composed by supporters from Belgium and Luxembourg [It cite web|url=http://www.bruxellesbianconera.com|title=History of Bruxelles Bianconera Ultras Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=Bruxelles Bianconera Group Official Website] ), "Gruppo Homer" (also knowns as GH), "Assiduo Sostegno" and "Bravi Ragazzi" (composed by former "Irriducibili" members). The "Fighters" group, the leading Juventus group located in La "Curva Nord" at the same stadium It cite web|url=http://www.lastampa.it/redazione/cmsSezioni/torino/200608articoli/8835girata.asp|title=The Curve’s War (a Juventus supporters’ map)|accessdate=2006-08-09|publisher=La Stampa Official Website] , have changed his name to "Tradizione Bianconera" in 2005 [It cite web|url=http://www.tradizionebianconera.it|title=History of Tradizione Bianconera Group|accessdate=2007-11-01|publisher=Tradizione Bianconera Group Official Website] .

ee also

* Football culture
* Major football rivalries
* Tifo
* Ultras groups
* Hooliganism
* Football chants

Footnotes and references



External links

{|width 100%
* [http://www.drughi.com Drughi] it icon
* [http://www.tradizionebianconera.it Tradizione Bianconera] it icon
* [http://www.nucleo1985.it Nucleo 1985] it icon
* [http://www.arditi-juventus.it Arditi: La Razza] it icon
* [http://www.bruxellesbianconera.com Bruxelles Bianconera] it icon
* [http://www.vikingjuve.com Viking Juve] it icon
* [http://www.noisoli.it Noi Soli] it icon
* [http://www.gm93.com Gruppo Marche 1993] it icon
* [http://www.j1897.org Intoccabili Cutrofiano] it icon en icon

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