- Josip Globevnik
Josip Globevnik, Slovenian
mathematician , bornDecember 6 1945 ,Ljubljana ,Slovenia (then Yugoslavia).Globevnik graduated in 1968 and obtained his
PhD in 1972 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology (FNT) ofUniversity of Ljubljana . He worked on the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy between 1969 and 1988, also as an associate professor (1978) and professor ofmathematics (1983). From 1988 on he taught as a professor ofmathematical analysis in the FNT and later the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.He taught as a guest on universities in the U.S. (1973/74, 1978/79, 1983-1985). For a shorter time, he visited several universities in
Europe ,Brazil andIsrael .Globevnik's main research interest is
complex analysis . He published around 50 articles in international journals. From 1985 he has been a correspondence member and from 1989 a regular member of theSlovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts .In 1976 he was awarded with
Kidric Award .External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.