Bruce Fein

Bruce Fein

Bruce Fein is a lawyer in the United States who specializes in constitutional and international law. Fein served as the general counsel to the Federal Communications Commission and then deputy attorney general in the United States Department of Justice in the administration of United States president Ronald Reagan. He received his degree in law from Harvard Law School in 1972.

Under President Ronald Reagan, Fein served as an associate deputy attorney general from 1981 to 1982 and as general counsel to the Federal Communications Commission. In 1987, he served as the minority (minority party) research director of the committee in the United States House of Representatives that investigated the Iran-Contra Affair. [citeweb |url= |author=Gerald Solomon and Bruce Fein |publisher=The New York Times |date=June 10, 1987 |title="A Tight Plug on Intelligence Leaks"] [citeweb |publisher=The New York Times |date=September 28, 2005 |author=Adam Liptak |title=Coorection; Libel Memo Attributed Falsely to Court Nominee |quote=Bruce Fein, a Washington lawyer who was general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission in the Reagan administration, said yesterday that he wrote the memorandum, a caustic critique of New York Times v. Sullivan, the 1964 Supreme Court decision that revolutionized American libel law, and of the role played by the press in society. |url=] [citeweb |publisher=The New York Times |author=Bruce Fein |date=July 13, 1986 |title=AIDS in the workplace; the administration's impeccable logic |url= ] Fein has authored numerous articles on constitutional issues for The Washington Times,, The New York Times, Legal Times, and is considered an authority on civil liberties. He has also worked for the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation, both conservative think tanks, as an analyst and commentator. [citeweb |url= |publisher=The New York Times |title="A Pair of Rehnquist Opinions Sets Legal Experts Buzzing |author=Stuart Taylor Jr. |date=February 28, 1988 |quote=The message, asserts Bruce Fein, a Supreme Court authority at the conservative Heritage Foundation, was that conservatives should not expect sudden, revolutionary change in settled legal doctrines in these and perhaps other areas from the Rehnquist Court, at least with its current membership.]

In March 2007, he founded the "American Freedom Agenda" with Bob Barr, David Keene and Richard Viguerie.Fact|date=August 2008 Notable published writings by Fein include articles advocating the impeachment of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and current U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney and president George W Bush. Fein recently has been hired to assist as a representative of Tamils Against Genocide to protect Tamil in Sri lanka. Tamils Against Genocide, a non-profit organization, has as its primary mission, seeks to obtain United States or international indictments against three United States citizens or green card holders currently serving in the Government of Sri Lanka for complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes, including torture and extrajudicial killings, against Sri Lanka’s civilian Tamil population. Comparing the situation to that of Kosovo, Fein has voiced support for the right of the Tamils of the island to self determination and the right to the formation of a seperate state, Tamil Eelam, to safeguard the community and it's cultural and historical identity, and has also called for a Tamil statehood referendum under the United Nations on the issue. [citeweb |url= |publisher=TamilNet |title="Fein: Hold Referendum to test support for Tamil statehood" |author= |date=May 26, 2008 |quote=] [citeweb |url=|publisher=TamilNet |title="Bruce Fein: U.S. declaration of independence validates Tamil statehood" |author= |date=January 29, 2008 |quote=Applying the 'self-evident' truths celebrated in the Declaration of Independence, the United States should recognize the right of Sri Lanka's long oppressed Tamil people to independent statehood... Fein argues, the history of the persecution of the Tamil people "easily justifies Tamil statehood, with boundaries to be negotiated," and points out, "The Declaration of Independence proclaims: " [W] hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce [a people] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." ]

On September 2, 2008, Fein addressed Ron Paul's "Rally For The Republic" in Minneapolis offering a critique of the Bush administration's interventionist policy and advocating a more non-interventionist foreign policy. Fein also harshly criticized the anti-terror policies of the Bush White House, including wiretapping and detention of terror suspects.


* "Constitutional Peril: The Life and Death Struggle for Our Constitution and Democracy" Published by Palgrace MacMillan, September 16 2008. ISBN-10: 0230602886
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1978 - 1979 Term" Aei Pr, June 1980. ISBN-10: 0844733873
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court" AEI Press, June 1987. ISBN-10: 084473568X
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1979 - 1980 Term" Fred B. Rothman & Co, April 1985 ISBN-10: 0837711355
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1977 - 1978 Term" AEI Press, 1979. ISBN-10: 0844733601
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1975 - 1976 Term" Rowman & Littlefield, June 1977. ISBN-10: 0844732834
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1973 - 1974 Term" AEI Press, 1975. ISBN-10: 0844731765
* "Significant Decisions of the Supreme Court: 1972 - 1973 Term" Rowman & Littlefield, June 1974. ISBN-10: 0844710733

External links

* [] Statement of Bruce Fein Before The House Judiciary Committee Re: Impeachment 7/25/2007
* [ Bruce Fein challenges Sri Lankan ambassador]
* [ Columns written by Bruce Fein for Slate]
* [ Bill Moyers explores the talk of impeachment of Bush and Cheney with Fein, PBS, July 2007]
* [ Tamil statehood? By Bruce Fein on January 29, 2008 in Washington Times]
* [ Bruce Fein - A Carrion Bird of LTTE terrorism Article by]
* [] Tamils Agaist Genocide


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