

Castelluccio is a village in Umbria in the Apennine Mountains, central Italy. It is administrative part of the ca. 28km distant town Norcia. According to the 2001 census, it had c. 150 inhabitants.


The village lies at 1452m, making it the highest settlement in the Apennines. It lies above the "Great Plain" ("Piano Grande" - 1270m), next to the Monti Sibillini National Park.

Rain and meltwater accumulate on the surface of the plain, which is made of largely impermeable sediments. The greenish ditches drain the water towards openings called Ponors, which are part of the karstic underground drainage system. If the karst drainage is blocked for any reason, water backs up and turns the plain into a temporary lake.


The village dates from the 13th century or slightly earlier, but also settled by the Romans.


The fields on the slopes below the village are cultivated. In springtime the nature of the fields is in lavish color. The plains grassland is ideal for sheep husbandry. There is a lot of ski- and trekking tourism.

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