Stanley Hopkins

Stanley Hopkins

Inspector Stanley Hopkins is a fictional character, a Scotland Yard detective in the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He is a student of Holmes's deductive methods, and attempts to apply them in his own investigations. Holmes, however, is very critical of Hopkins's ability to apply them well. Hopkins refers several cases to Holmes, including The Adventure of the Abbey Grange, The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez and The Adventure of Black Peter. He is a young inspector, and Holmes "has high hopes for his career". See also Inspector Lestrade and the List of Sherlock Holmes Inspectors.

Marion Prince, in an article entitled "Sherlock and Son", puts forth the hypothesis that Stanley Hopkins (SH) is a son of Sherlock Holmes (SH). Reference: "The Annotated Sherlock Holmes", William S. Baring-Gould, Vol II, p 296

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