- List of schools in Marlborough, New Zealand
Location map+|Marlborough|width=300|float=right|caption=Localities offering secondary education in Marlborough|places= Location map~|Marlborough|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=41|lat_min=31|lon_dir=E|lon_deg=173|lon_min=58|position=left|label=Blenheim Location map~|Marlborough|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=41|lat_min=17|lon_dir=E|lon_deg=174|lon_min=0|position=top|label=Picton Location map~|Marlborough|lat_dir=S|lat_deg=41|lat_min=14|lon_dir=E|lon_deg=173|lon_min=35|position=left|label=Rai ValleyThere are 31 schools in Marlborough, a region in the
South Island ofNew Zealand . The region contains rural and small townprimary school s, a combined primary/secondary school atRai Valley , a smallsecondary school inPicton , and several primary schools, an intermediate school, and two large secondary schools in Blenheim. All schools are coeducational except for Marlborough Boys' and Girls' Colleges in Blenheim.In New Zealand schools, students begin formal education in Year 1 at the age of five. [cite web|url=http://www.teamup.co.nz/primary-int/about/school/default.htm|title=About School: School basics|publisher=
New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08] Year 13 is the final year of secondary education. Years 14 and 15 refer to adult education facilities.State school s are those fully funded by the government and at which no fees can be charged, although a donation is commonly requested. [cite web|url=http://nzplc.massey.ac.nz/default.asp?page=docs/board/schoolfee.htm|title=School Donations & Fees|publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |date=23 June 1998 |accessdate=2006-06-23] A state integrated school is a state school with a special character based on a religious or philosophical belief. [cite web|url=http://www.edusearch.co.nz/content/nzschoolsystem.php|title=about NZ education|publisher=EduSearch|accessdate=2008-06-08]The
decile indicates the socio-economic group that the school catchment area falls into. A rating of 1 indicates a poor area; a rating of 10 a well-off one. [cite web|url=http://www.minedu.govt.nz/index.cfm?layout=document&documentid=7697&indexid=11565&indexparentid=3963|title=How The Decile Is Calculated|publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08] The decile ratings used here come from the Ministry of Education "Te Kete Ipurangi" website and from the decile change spreadsheet listed in the references. The deciles were last revised using information from the 2006 Census. [cite web|url=http://www.minedu.govt.nz/index.cfm?layout=document&documentid=7698&indexid=11565&indexparentid=3963|title=Reviews of Deciles - General Information|publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08] The roll of each school changes frequently as students start school for the first time, move between schools, and graduate. The rolls given here are those provided by the Ministry of Education, based on figures from July 2007. [cite web|url=http://www.minedu.govt.nz/web/downloadable/dl6434_v1/directory-schools-web.xls|format=XLS|title=Directory of Schools|date=8 February 2008 |publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08] The Ministry of Education institution number, given in the last column, links to the "Te Kete Ipurangi" page for each school.chools
*cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/index.php|title=Te Kete Ipurangi|publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08
*cite web|url=http://www.ero.govt.nz/ero/publishing.nsf/Content/Reports|title=ERO school and early childhood education reports|publisher=Education Review Office|accessdate=2008-06-08
*cite web|url=http://www.minedu.govt.nz/web/downloadable/dl7698_v1/decile-changes-2007-2008-web-state-s-integ.xls|format=XLS|title=Decile change 2007 to 2008 for state & state integrated schools|publisher=New Zealand Ministry of Education |accessdate=2008-06-08;Specific
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