- Gerardus Mes
Gerardus Mes or Gherardus (fl. around 1561) was a Franco-Flemish composer.
Life and work
Little of his work has survived, except the settings for four voices of the "
Souterliedekens ", 150 Dutch Psalm Songs andcanticle s, possibly written by noblemanWillem van Zuylen van Nijevelt and published in 1540 with a notation of the melody for one voice. Mes’s settings appeared inAntwerp in 1561 as the 8th up to the 11th volume of the "Musijck Boexkens", a collection of Dutch songs edited byTielman Susato . In this series, Susato had already publishedJacobus Clemens non Papa 's Psalm settings for three voices in 1556-57.As was already the case with the Dutch secular songs from Susato's "Ierste" and "Tweetste Musijck Boexken" (first and second Music Book), performance with human voices as well as with instruments is suggested in the edition of Mes’s Psalm settings. On the title page of the Souterliedekens, Mes is also mentioned as a pupil of Clemens non Papa, which is the only fact we know about his life. Of his "Souterliedekens", no complete copy has survived; the bass voice is missing.
In his "Souterliedekens", Mes made use of several writing techniques: sometimes, he used the original tune of a Psalm Song from the collection published in 1540 in the
soprano voice (while Clemens used the tunes in thetenor voice ); sometimes he wrote an entirely new composition, in which now and then was initially borrowed from the originaltune whereupon the composition goes its own way. In a number of cases, Mes used an existing tune, but another one as Clemens did. Mes’s "Souterliedekens" were apparently still popular in the 17th century; some of them were used by theDelft priest andpoet Stalpart van der Wiele . An attempt to reconstruct the "Souterliedekens"’s missing bass voice, was undertaken by Louis Peter Grijp.Apart from his Souterliedekens, only one other piece of music by Mes has survived; a single motet.
Louis Peter Grijp , "The Souterliedekens by Gherardus Mes (1561)", in "From Ciconia to Sweelinck, Donum natalicum Willem Elders,Amsterdam , 1994
* Louis Peter Grijp, in the booklet of the cd "Souterliedekens, 16th century secular songs and psalm settings from the Netherlands",Camerata Trajectina , directed by Louis Peter Grijp.
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