Ultraseven X

Ultraseven X

infobox television
show_name = Ultraseven X
genre = Tokusatsu
picture_format = High Definition
runtime =
creator = Tsuburaya Productions
starring = Eriku Yoza
Saki Kagami
Tomohito Wakizaki
Anri Ban
director = Takeshi Yagi
Kenji Suzuki
Kengo Kaji
Kazuya Konaka
writer = Yuji Kobayashi
Ai Ota
Takurou Fukuda
Jiro Kaneko
Sotaro Hayashi
Keiichi Hasegawa
executive_producer = Kazuo Tsuburaya
country = Japan
language = Japanese
music = TBA
imdb_id = 1081848
preceded_by = "Ultraman Mebius"
followed_by = "Ultra Galaxy Daikaijyu Battle"
network = Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting
first_aired = October 5 2007
last_aired = December 21 2007
num_episodes = 12
website = http://sevenx.jp
nihongo|Ultraseven X|ULTRASEVEN X(ウルトラセブン エックス)|Urutorasebun Ekkusu is the 24th entry in the Tsuburaya Productions' long-running Ultra Series. It is a revival of the 1967 classic "Ultra Seven", and is the first in Tsuburaya Productions' "Ultra" hero series to be exclusively for an adult audience. The show first aired on October 5 2007 at 2.15am on CBC and 2.25am on TBS. [cite web|url=http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2007/07/26/01.html|title=ウルトラセブン 40年ぶり復活|accessdate=2007-07-26] [cite web|url=http://www.chunichi.co.jp/chuspo/article/entertainment/news/CK2007090702046977.html|title=新ウルトラセブン、イケメン進化 CBC、来月5日から放送|accessdate=2007-09-07]


*nihongo|Jin/Ultraseven X|ジン/ULTRASEVEN X(ウルトラセブン エックス)|Jin/Urutorasebun Ekkusu: He is an agent in DEUS. Due to his memory loss, he does not remember his real name. He was handed the Ultra Eye by Elea. He is 25 years old.
*nihongo|Elea|エレア|Erea: She handed the Ultra Eye to Jin. Originally, she was one of the staff engaged in the Aqua Project. Her full name is nihongo|Elea Saeki|冴木 エレア|Saeki Erea. She is 22 years old.
*nihongo|K|ケイ|Kei: He is an agent in DEUS and executes missions with Jin. He is 25 years old.
*nihongo|S|エス|Esu: She is an agent in DEUS and focuses on undercover missions. She eats chocolate frequently. She is 25 years old.
*nihongo|Commander of DEUS|DEUS(デウス)司令|Deusu Shirei: He informs agents of their missions through the VC. Revealed to be an A.I. that controls all of the world's information.

Ultraseven X

A mysterious red and silver giant that Jin transforms into after putting on the Ultra Eye sunglasses. It is revealed in the last episode that he is actually the original Ultra Seven.

Transformation item

*nihongo|Ultra Eye|ウルトラアイ|Urutora Ai: Red sunglasses used when Jin transforms into Ultraseven X.


*nihongo|Eye Slugger|アイスラッガー|Ai Suraggā: Boomerang-like weapon equipped on his head. Though it is as capable as the original Ultra Seven's Eye Slugger in slicing enemies, its offensive attacks can also be like a club's than a blade, as shown in Episode 1's battle.
*nihongo|Emerium Beam|エメリウム光線|Emeriumu Kōsen: Various concentrations of energy rays can be fired from the Beam Lamp on Ultraseven X's forehead. Targets would burn and be destroyed in an angry green flame.
*nihongo|Wide Shot|ワイドショット|Waido Shotto: Ultraseven X's most powerful attack, similar to the original Ultra Seven's. It can split into multiple, separate beams that can strike at different, multiple targets, as shown in Episode 2. Targets are destroyed in a blue-white explosion.


nihongo|DEUS|DEUS(デウス)|Deusu: DEUS is the special investigative team organized in order to defend the Earth against alien aggressors. Although they live as normal people, members of DEUS can be called into action at any given time. Agents call each other by code name rather than their actual names.


*R (Seceder; deceased)
*D (Seceder)


*nihongo|Ultra Gun|ウルトラガン|Urutora Gan: Small laser gun which DEUS's agents use.
*nihongo|VC (Video-Ceiver)|VC(ビデオシーバー)|Buishī (Bideo Shībā): All-purpose communication item which DEUS's agents are carrying.

Monsters and aliens

List of episodes


Regular cast

*nihongo|Jin/Ultraseven X|ジン/ULTRASEVEN X(ウルトラセブン エックス)|Jin/Urutorasebun Ekkusu - nihongo|Eriku Yoza|与座 重理久|Yoza Eriku
*nihongo|Elea|エレア|Erea - nihongo|Saki Kagami|加賀美 早紀|Kagami Saki
*nihongo|K|ケイ|Kei - nihongo|Tomohito Wakizaki|脇崎 智史|Wakizaki Tomohito
*nihongo|S|エス|Esu - nihongo|Anri Ban|伴 杏里|Ban Anri
*nihongo|Commander of DEUS|DEUS(デウス)司令|Deusu Shirei|Voice - nihongo|Yosuke Natsuki|夏木 陽介|Natsuki Yōsuke
*nihongo|Newscaster of Government Broadcasting|政府放送のキャスター|Seifu Hōsō no Kyasutā - nihongo|Kenichi Miyamoto|宮本 賢一|Miyamoto Ken'ichi, nihongo|Yoko Azami|莇 陽子|Azami Yōko

Guest actors

*nihongo|Leader of Alien Group|エイリアン集団の首領|Eirian Shūdan no Shuryō|1 - nihongo|Akira Otani|大谷 朗|Ōtani Akira
*nihongo|Lady Executive of Alien Group|エイリアン集団の女性幹部|Eirian Shūdan no Josei Kanbu|1 - MiWa
*nihongo|Rulers|支配者|Shihaisha|1, 10-12 - nihongo|Masahiro Noguchi|野口 雅弘|Noguchi Masahiro, nihongo|Seiki Chiba|千葉 誠樹|Chiba Seiki, nihongo|Michiko Nakayama|ナカヤマ ミチコ|Nakayama Michiko
*nihongo|Eriko|エリコ|Eriko|2 - nihongo|Tomomi Miyashita|宮下 ともみ|Tomomi Miyashita
*nihongo|R|アール|Āru|2 - nihongo|Toshiyuki Watarai|渡来 敏之|Watarai Toshiyuki
*nihongo|Tamaru/Alien Markind|タマル/マーキンド星人|Tamaru/Mākindo Seijin|3 - nihongo|Takayasu Komiya|小宮 孝泰|Komiya Takayasu
*nihongo|Tazaki|田崎|Tazaki|4 - nihongo|Edo Yamaguchi|エド 山口|Edo Yamaguchi
*nihongo|Yamane|山根|Yamane|4 - nihongo|Tsutomu Okabe|岡部 務|Okabe Tsutomu
*nihongo|Slender Man/Alien Chamda|細身の男/チャムダ星人|Hosomi no Otoko/Chamuda Seijin|5 - nihongo|Kenji Yabe|やべ けんじ|Yabe Kenji
*nihongo|Takao|タカオ|Takao|6 - nihongo|Mitsuru Karahashi|唐橋 充|Karahashi Mitsuru
*nihongo|Alisa|アリサ|Arisa|6 - nihongo|Nao Oikawa|及川 奈央|Oikawa Nao
*nihongo|Soul of Light|光の魂|Hikari no Tamashii|Voice|6 - nihongo|Asami Imai|今井 麻美|Imai Asami
*nihongo|Natarle|ナタル|Nataru|7 - nihongo|Saaya Ishikawa|石川 紗彩|Ishikawa Saaya
*nihongo|D|ディー|Dī|7 - nihongo|Ryohei Odai|小田井 涼平|Odai Ryōhei
*nihongo|Street Singer|ストリートシンガー|Sutorīto Shingā|7 - nihongo|Hiroko Ebioka|海老岡 宏子|Ebioka Hiroko
*nihongo|Kyosuke Agata/Hupnath|アガタ・キョウスケ/ヒュプナス|Agata Kyōsuke/Hyupunasu|8 - nihongo|Yuuki Kuroda|黒田 勇樹|Kuroda Yūki
*nihongo|Asami Agata|アガタ・アサミ|Agata Asami|8 - nihongo|Yukie Kawamura|川村 ゆきえ|Kawamura Yukie
*nihongo|Sameo|サメオ|Sameo|8 - nihongo|Yuki Ito|伊藤 友樹|Itō Yūki
*nihongo|Ogata/Saku|尾形/朔|Ogata/Saku|9 - nihongo|Hassei Takano|高野 八誠|Takano Hassei
*nihongo|Mahiru|まひる|Mahiru|9 - nihongo|Kaori Nakamura|中村 果生莉|Nakamura Kaori
*nihongo|Nozomu/Jyuujin|望/獣人|Nozomu/Jūjin|9 - nihongo|Hiro Ogasawara|小笠原 宙|Ogasawara Hiro
*nihongo|Professor Shikishima|敷島教授|Shikishima Kyōju|9 - nihongo|Masami Horiuchi|堀内 正美|Horiuchi Masami
*nihongo|Saki|サキ|Saki|10 - nihongo|Shion Nakamaru|中丸 シオン|Nakamaru Shion
*nihongo|Haibara|ハイバラ|Haibara|10 - nihongo|Ryuki Kitaoka|北岡 龍貴|Kitaoka Ryūki
*nihongo|Anne Yuri|友里 アンヌ|Yuri An'nu|12 - nihongo|Yuriko Hishimi|ひし美ゆり子|Hishimi Yuriko
*nihongo|Dan Moroboshi/Ultra Seven|モロボシ・ダン/ウルトラセブン|Moroboshi Dan/Urutora Sebun|12 - nihongo|Kohji Moritsugu|森次 晃嗣|Moritsugu Kōji

uit actors

*Ultraseven X - nihongo|Hiromi Shinjo|新上 博巳|Shinjō Hiromi
*Monsters & Aliens - nihongo|Kenya Soma|相馬 絢也|Sōma Kenya, nihongo|Ryo Nishimura|西村 郎|Nishimura Ryō, nihongo|Hideyoshi Iwata|岩田 栄慶|Iwata Hideyoshi, nihongo|Daisuke Fukuda|福田 大助|Fukuda Daisuke

eries staff

*Producer: Kazuo Tsuburaya
*Series Organizer/Director Takeshi Yagi
*Directors: Kenji Suzuki, Kengo Kaji, Kazuya Konaka
*Writers: Yuji Kobayashi, Ai Ota, Takuro Fukuda, Jiro Kaneko, Sotaro Hayashi, Keiichi Hasegawa
*Music Producer: Shizuka Tamagawa


;Theme song
*"Another day comes"
**Lyrics: K
**Composition & Artist: Pay money To my Pain


External links

* [http://sevenx.jp/index.htm Official "Ultraseven X" site] ja icon

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