Arthur Reginald Chater

Arthur Reginald Chater

Arthur Reginald Chater CB, CVO, DSO, OBE (1896 – 1979) was an officer in the Royal Marines during World War I, the interwar years, and World War II.

During the Gallipoli Campaign, Chater was in the Chatham Battalion of the Royal Marine Brigade at Kaba Tepe. He fought on the Galliopoli Peninsula in Turkey from 28 April to 12 May 1915, and in March 1918, he participated in the Allied raid on Zeebrugge, Belgium.

In November 1924, Chather was in the Egyptian Army during the Sudanese Army mutiny in Khartoum, Sudan. This mutiny followed the assassination of Sir Lee Stack, Governor General of the Sudan, in Cairo.

In August 1940, during the early stages of the East African Campaign, Colonel Chater commanded the Somaliland Camel Corps when the Italians invaded British Somaliland from Italian East Africa.

Command history

* Chatham Battalion, Royal Marine Brigade - 1913 to 1920
* Egyptian Army and Sudan Camel Corps - 1921 to 1927
* Commanding Officer, Sudan Camel Corps - 1927 to 1930
* Commanding Officer, Somaliland Camel Corps - 1930 to 1940
* Military-Governor of British Somaliland - 1941 to 1943
* General Officer Commanding, British Somaliland - 1941 to 1943
* Commandant Portsmouth Division, Royal Marines - 1943 to 1944
* Director of Combined Operations, India and South-East Asia - 1944 to 1945
* Major-General, General Staff - 1945 to 1946
* General Officer Commanding, Chatham Group, Royal Marines - 1946 to 1948
* Retired - 1948
* Honorary Colonel, Commandant, Sudan Camel Corps - 1950 to 1954

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