Force Attack

Force Attack

Force Attack is a music festival, which is organized every year on the last July weekend in Behnkenhagen near Rostock. Approximately 50 bands mainly from the genres Punk, Ska, Oi!, Hardcore, Psychobilly and Metal are performing for three days on two stages. As multicolored as the program are the visitors of the festival. The event is claimed to be the biggest punk party in the world. Attendance in 2007 was about 10,000 people from Germany and other countries throughout Europe.

The first Force Attack was organized 1996 in Barth with 26 bands on two days and moved to Benkenhagen in 1999. In the year 2006 about 14,000 people celebrated the festivals' tenth anniversary.

Compared to other music festivals, the Force Arrack is rather inexpensive with a ticket price of only 30 € in 2008. Camping is usually included and the first 1,000 orders come with a free festival sampler on CD. Because the festival takes place approximately 15 car minutes from the Baltic Sea a lot of visitors seize the opprtunity to take a bath in the sea.

Lineup in 2008

Real McKenzies, Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Dritte Wahl, Die Kassierer, The Unseen, Anti Nowhere League, Jeff Dahl, The Bottrops (former Terrorgruppe), Knorkator and many more

External links

* [ Official site (german)]
* [ Informations for english speaking visitors]

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